Happy Kinko de Mayo!

s-td-ss-kinkodemayo3Yeah, yeah, I know. But if you’ve been following me for…a while, you know I love puns, so that’s sort of self-inflicted (or at least should be expected) at this point. LOL

Yes, I have a book (came out in 2015, in case you missed it) covering this holiday. LOL It’s Suncoast Society 21, and covers some of your favorite characters.

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The members of the Suncoast Society love throwing a good fetish party, even if it means making up their own kinky take on a vanilla tradition. Kinko de Mayo is no exception, including Max and Sean’s unique spin on the holiday.

But despite the festivities, some members are struggling with making major life decisions and have to lean on their friends for support. Because when all the fun is over and the spankings are done, love and friendship is what truly holds the group together through thick and thin.

Happy Kinko de Mayo!
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