"Real" men don’t cause pain? Really? Thus, I rant.

A Facebook wannabe “dom” poser’s comments that “real” men don’t cause pain inspired this rant. (Because I didn’t want my head to explode and I refuse to comment on the douchetard’s page.) Thus, I rant thusly: http://bdsmauthorsplayroom.blogspot.com/2013/04/real-men-dont-cause-pain-think-again.html

Guest blog: Vanilla isn’t the only flavor out there.

I’m blogging today over at the BDSM Authors Playroom about “vanillas” and the lifestyle, both explaining to vanilla folks why their loved one isn’t in a cult or being abused, and helping people in the BDSM lifestyle deal with their vanilla friends/family. Click here: Vanilla isn’t the only flavor out there.