I really do use essential oils all the time. In my diffuser, topically, and even internally. I’ve been using Young Living’s Stress Away oil for a while topically and in my diffuser, and finally ordered one of the roller balls for it. Makes it even easier to use it. And I cannot live without their Deep Relief blend. I go through at least two of those every month. Especially with my fibro and arthritis.

Since I’m deep in #editinghell right now, they both sit on my desk where they’re right at hand.

Others I can’t do without? Peppermint, ginger, lemongrass, lavender, and black pepper. I have them in their food-grade Vitality line so I can use them in capsules.

Do you use essential oils? Interested in trying them? It’s easy! If you sign up on Young Living’s site, you can even buy at a discounted price. Just click for more info.

#amediting #editinghell – Essential oils to the rescue.
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