me-td-tt-powerofthree3Yes, you saw that right, another Triple Trouble book. 🙂 (And book 9 is releasing on 5/13/16!)

Power of Three (Triple Trouble 8) is available for pre-order from Siren-BookStrand and releases on 4/29/2016.

Click here to pre-order!


Elain Lyall’s life is complicated enough being her Clan’s Seer and part of the Triad. Having survived a supernatural showdown with a cockatrice, secretly adopting its baby, killing an evil wolf menace, trying to stop a future nuclear attack—all while she’s about to give birth to a child who’s the reincarnated mate of her mortal enemy—will give anyone a headache.

Then there’s her batcrap crazy brother-in-law to worry about. Brighton fancies himself a cockatrice hunter, but Elain has reason to believe his ulterior motives could spell trouble with a capital T.

Elain doesn’t know what’s on Brighton’s agenda, but her mates Ain, Brodey, and Cail are focused on their new fatherhood status. Elain can’t exactly confide in them—or Triad besties Lina and Mai—for fear of toppling a very precariously balanced tower of secrets that would destroy a lot of lives.

And it looks like Baba Yaga and Ryan Ausar have some dark secrets of their own…

Available for Pre-Order: Power of Three (Triple Trouble 8)
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