It’s a hat-trick today: Samhain, release day, AND I have a book in BookStrand’s Time Machine for only .99 for a couple of days!


Release Day: Two Against Nature (Suncoast Society 39, MF, BDSM)

td-two-nature-ss-3Holly’s severe, chronic pain from her fibromyalgia isn’t merely physical, it is emotional, too. Her brother, Louis, sits in jail, wrongly convicted of their mother’s murder. Nothing will stop Holly’s efforts to get his sentence overturned. She has put her life on hold to make it happen.

Walt has avoided the fact that he has insulated himself from moving forward because he still holds a torch for his ex, Kimbra. When he meets Holly, he knows he can help her in more ways than one—Kimbra is an attorney, and a friend. Walt is also a heavy sadist who wants to show Holly how the good kinds of pain can help her overcome the bad.

While work commences to free Louis, Walt realizes exactly how hard he has fallen for Holly. As he finds himself fighting to show her that a spoonie and a sadist can make a relationship work, will he convince her that two against nature can absolutely be perfect for each other?

Time Machine Discount: Hernando Heat (MFM, cowboys/historical)

Katie Dorchester’s heart died with her husband. Worse, her ex-in-laws would kill to steal her property. Forced to leave town, she tries to build a new life in Brooksville.

td-hernandoheat3Enter Joe Lansing and his cousin, Deputy Mason Carlisle. Joe’s had run-ins with the Dorchesters before…and suspects his fiancée paid the price. Mason lost his sister to a rich bully. The men have heartache of their own, but when they intercede on Katie’s behalf to protect her from the Dorchesters, they know she is the one for them.

Katie would do anything to protect Joe and Mason’s reputations in town, including giving up her own happiness with them. When the Dorchesters threaten her men, she tries to protect them the only way she knows. Now her men are in a race to save her life and their new family. Can they keep her safe in the deadly Hernando Heat?

Latest Releases and Coming Soon

If you create an account at BookStrand and go to my author page there, they’ll send you an e-mail alert when my books are available there for pre-order! 🙂

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)

And you can check out my releases on Amazon writing as Tymber Dalton or Lesli Richardson.

Thanks, and have a Spooky Halloween Monday! 🙂

Blessed Samhain, Happy Halloween, and it’s Release Day! (Woot!)
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