1013534_10152909340180487_41327847_nIt’s now officially summer, which means listening to people gripe how hot it is here in Florida even though nearly every other place in the country is hotter and needs cooling centers to keep people from dropping dead like extras in a Deadpool movie.

Did you check your Kindle (or Barnes and Noble) account to see if you were a lucky recipient of money from the Apple lawsuit? We got back less than $20 total, but man, I saw people up there in the triple digits.

Guess what? I’m going to give you some suggestions on how to spend that newfound digital cash… LOL

My latest to hit Kindle and other third-party sites is By the Embers Dies the Fire (Triple Trouble 9). And the tentative release date for The Fire Road (Triple Trouble 10) is July 25.


Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
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Kindle (BR)Kindle (IN) | Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES) | Kindle (FR)

Nook | Kobo | iTunes | Google

me-td-tt-embersdiesthefire1Growing up, Elain Lyall had always wished for a large family.

Be careful what you wish for. Especially when you have a seriously unhinged brother-in-law like Brighton, who’s perilously close to unraveling everything Elain’s trying to hold together. Uncle and mortal enemy, Marston, turns out to be a priceless ally.

Meanwhile, Elain’s mates Ain, Brodey, and Cail, are enjoying fatherhood, even if they are putting a serious damper on Elain’s Triad and Seer duties. Elain, Mai, and Lina are trying to figure out exactly how the cockatrice plan on detonating a nuclear bomb so they can stop it.

The devil’s in the details—and Ryan Ausar is as clueless as they are. One thing’s certain, the evil they’re facing is far older and more dangerous than any of them ever dreamed. If Elain’s going to save lives, she’s going to have to get a handle on her rapidly growing powers.

Even if it means sacrificing someone for the greater good.

s-td-ss-rhymesorange1My latest two releases (which aren’t available on third-party sites just yet) are Switchy (Suncoast Society 34, MMF, BDSM) and Dual Porpoise (Placida Pod 5, MF, IR, shifters).

My next release is Rhymes With Orange (Suncoast Society 35, MMMF, BDSM) and is coming on July 4! (Talk about a bang… Yeah, I went there. What, are you new here? LOL) It’s available for pre-order now!

I’m actually trying something new with Rhymes With Orange and running a Facebook event ahead of the release. Have been posting some exclusive teasers and sneak peeks there. 🙂 Feel free to join us! Click here for more info.

You can sign up on my BookStrand author page to get notifications of when my books are available for pre-order there. (No span, just alerts.)

I’m trying to get edits wrapped up on The Great Turning books 2 and 3 so I can dive into edits for Bleacke Spirit (Bleacke Shifters 4).

And now…on to the freebies after the jump (and some peep pimpage LOL).

Remember that when I post freebies, they’re free as of the time of posting, so verify the price before you one-click. I make no assertions to the quality of the freebies, just that they’re free. I do try to skim through the previews to see if they’re a KU scammer or not, but I don’t have time to read all of them. My Amazon affiliate code is embedded in the links so if you buy anything I make a few cents and it doesn’t cost you any extra.

Not-Freebies & Peep Pimpage


Now Available

Coming Soon

  • Rhymes With Orange (Suncoast Society 35, MMMF, BDSM)
  • The Fire Road (Triple Trouble 10, MFMM, shifters)

I have a spreadsheet of all my books under my various names with the buy links to all the vendors! 🙂

I’ve got a Facebook page! 🙂

#FreebieAlert (6/22/2016) #PeepPimpage – Happy Summer Kindle Rebate Edition
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4 thoughts on “#FreebieAlert (6/22/2016) #PeepPimpage – Happy Summer Kindle Rebate Edition

  • June 22, 2016 at 12:57 pm

    Just had to tell you I’m a huge fan. I have times where I have a Tymber Dalton week and just read all of your books (some I’ve read 4+ times!). I’m disabled and live on my Kindle and my hope that one day I’ll get the guts to publish my own books. You inspire me, entertain me, and help me escape the hell of chronic pain. Thank you for the freebies, they are much appreciated and always enjoyed. I can’t wait for Rhymes with Orange!! I’ll be buying that asap…. Just don’t tell my hubby. I’m a little too “one click” happy. Blessings and Inspiration!!!

    • June 22, 2016 at 1:47 pm

      @Kelly – Thank you so much! 🙂 I really appreciate the kind words, and thanks for reading! 🙂 Glad I can help spread the word about the freebies, too.

  • June 22, 2016 at 1:04 pm

    When it comes to digital books, I am addicted and happy about it. My Amazon credit from the settlement came to just under $435. I got $166 the first go round if that gives you any idea how much I spend on Ebooks every month. Yes, it is a line item on my budget and I refuse to feel guilty about it. Books transport me to other worlds and the fact that I have been freed of the need to create space for my books anywhere but my pocket has me filled with nothing but joy.

    • June 22, 2016 at 1:49 pm

      @Julaine – Hey, no reason to feel guilty about it! I’m sure lots of people spend far more than that with far less to show for it. LOL At least with books, even e-books, you can go back and re-read them as much as you want! 🙂

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