td-fall-ice-ss-3This has been a loooong week. But a good one. Hubby and I celebrated 19 years on Tuesday. And the Olympics have started. Yay!

Here’s some updates and news, and the freebies are after the jump.

Have several books coming soon from Siren:

I found out that Charles Michael Segaloff (aka BDSM author and registered sex offender Michael Makai) was finally sentenced to two years in prison.

That’s one predator off the streets. This is why you should ALWAYS take stuff that self-proclaimed BDSM “experts” say with a grain of salt and a heaping helping of caution. He was a bestselling author on Amazon, and yet had been a registered sex offender. (Which he failed to include in his author bio.)

Yeah, because everyone wants to take CONSENT advice from a convicted sex offender. Suuure… **sarcasm**

Dual Porpoise (Placida Pod 5, MF, IR, shifters, and tied in to the Triple Trouble series) is now available at third-party sites. (Except Nook, because they’re slow. Keep checking back there.)


Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT)Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX)
Kindle (BR)Kindle (IN) | Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES) | Kindle (FR)

Nook | Kobo | iTunes | Google

Wyatt Belaforte’s an expat gator shifter from Louisiana. He considers southwest Florida home and the Placida Pod his adopted family. That’s why he doesn’t hesitate to help them out of a jam. He never expected to find a mate in the process. Especially a dolphin shifter mate.

Marisela Esparza’s brother was evil. Fortunately, the Placida Pod doesn’t hold his misdeeds against her, since she was another of his victims. And she doesn’t care about Wyatt being a gator shifter. All she knows is that he’s her mate and she feels safe in his arms.

But heading to Louisiana for the holidays to meet Wyatt’s family stirs up a whole mess of trouble in the bayou. Wyatt’s technically in line to take over the congregation, but his uncle has other ideas. And with Wyatt’s little sister now missing, Marisela is determined to help her mate save his family from the ancient evil trying to infiltrate the alligator congregation’s home territory.

And if you missed it, I also have two other releases from Siren that haven’t made it to third-party sites yet. (You can purchase it from BookStrand in the format you need. I have no control over the timeframe, that’s up to my publisher.)

s-td-ss-rhymesorange1Rhymes With Orange (Suncoast Society 35, MMMF, BDSM) by Tymber Dalton

(I have a Facebook event for the release!)

Now Available!


Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)

Click here to read an excerpt.


Following a career-ending accident, Danielle needs a fresh start. Despite crippling anxiety and OCD, she’s determined to rebuild her life and isn’t looking for a new relationship. Or a new Dom.

Coop being Hunter’s Master is a little unconventional. Hunter is gay…and has a boyfriend, Todd. And Coop is straight. They’re friends first, but BDSM helps Hunter keep his anxiety at bay. Since Hunter’s deep in the closet with his family, he can only be his authentic self around Todd and Coop.

When Coop’s relationship with Hunter—and Todd—gets more complicated, he rolls with it. Then Coop meets Danielle. Suddenly, Coop has to play Todd’s boyfriend for Hunter’s family. If Dani can’t pull off the role of a lifetime pretending to be Hunter’s fiancée, it could mean disaster for him.

Unfortunately, Dani’s health takes a dive. When Hunter steps in and steps up, will the two successfully go from being co-owned pets to far more than either ever expected?

td-fireroad-tt-3The Fire Road (Triple Trouble 10) by Tymber Dalton

Elain’s realizing that, as head of the Triad, she must carefully balance her personal life with her higher calling. She’s learned the hard way that she can’t save everyone, nor should she. Sometimes, that means allowing painful things to happen and keeping dark secrets from those closest to her.

But Goddess help anyone who tries to harm her loved ones.

Ain, Brodey, and Cail are slowly learning to trust Elain to do her job in her new role, especially as they understand just how powerful she’s become. It doesn’t mean they like it, though. Especially now that she’s pregnant with twins.

Unfortunately, the greater good and countless lives are at stake. While Elain, Lina, and Mai struggle to break through the blockage clouding their visions, unseen dark forces are amassing. Now the key to their survival—and their happiness—relies on Elain walking that fire road alone.

And it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Triple Trouble Series Page (for reading order, complete series list, and FREE series summary guide).

Freebies after the jump!

My Amazon affiliate code is embedded in the links because if you buy something it makes me a few extra cents and doesn’t cost you a dime. 🙂 Make sure to verify the price before one-clicking.


This isn’t free, but it’s .99 (nearly as good) and so far it’s a pretty good book, although I’m not done with it yet. If you’re a writer, it’s a good investment: Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing


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I also have a Facebook Group (Tymber’s Trybe).

Create an account on BookStrand and follow my author page there and you’ll get notices when my books there are available for pre-order.

Have a great week, peeps!

#FreebieAlert (Weekend Round-up Edition) 08/07/2016
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