Spooky tabletop of candles, sage, and other witchy stuff.

It’s been a…loooong fifteen months since Russ died. I’m finally starting to really poke my head out of the ashes and look around and try to dig myself out. Part of that process has involved a metric fuckton of emotional self-care. Just taking time to vegetate and figure out where my new “normal” is going forward. (I still have a long way to go emotionally as well as physically.)

Part of that process has involved reading and watching stuff I hadn’t seen before. Including in the horror genre (paranormal, not “slasher”). Trying to replenish my creative well. In the process, I got hooked on the horror anthology podcast Old Gods of Appalachia. It’s seriously addictive. From the writing to the voice talent, it’s binge-worthy. I was also told about Welcome to Night Vale, which I’d never heard about before and apparently has even more episodes available.

Horror, sci-fi, and fantasy were my first loves both as a reader and a writer. This has frequently made its way into my romance writing career. Right now, I’m in the process of formatting Out of the Darkness for print and I’m going through and updating it somewhat as I do. It reminded me of the initial writing of that title (which started way back in high school as a creative writing project). If any one of my titles is my “baby,” it’s OotD. Which is why it blew me away when it won the EPIC award for horror several years back. Very validating.

Have you listened to either podcast? What are your thoughts? Or toss me your recs for some of your favorite podcasts, in any genre, fiction or non-fiction. Drop them into the comments below!

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New Year, Regenerations, and Old Horror (Podcasts)
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