Here’s a sexy sneak peek from Empty-Handed Heart (Suncoast Society 66, MMF, BDSM). And it’s available for pre-order now!


Aden aged out of Florida’s foster care system. He built a life, bought a house…and fell in love with Niall, a blue-eyed Irish Dom who owned his heart. When Niall got a job in California, he took Aden’s heart with him.

Niall regretted his move, but thought Aden would follow. Five years later, Niall’s back and wants to reclaim what’s his—Aden. He doesn’t expect to run into Aden while teaching erotic hypnosis at a fetish convention. He wasn’t expecting Aden to have gorgeous Etsu on his arm. He damn sure wasn’t expecting to save Etsu’s life in a malfunctioning elevator.

Etsu grew up smothered by a crazy-overprotective family and her asthma. With Aden, she can finally be herself. She can’t help fantasizing about Niall and Aden together, or how sexy it’d be writhing in pleasure between them. The question is, can they make this work, or will her family succeed yet again in driving away her chance at happiness?


After dinner, Aden left Etsu to clean up the kitchen. He was her Dominant, but not an asshole. Whoever cooked didn’t have to clean up. On the nights she cooked, he gladly helped out and did the dishes.

While she did that, he lounged against the counter and talked to her. “Why do you think you had problems today?”

“I don’t know. I woke up feeling kinda wheezy and ended up using the inhaler on my way to work. I was feeling better. I probably shouldn’t have gone out at lunch. I should have ordered takeout, but I didn’t want to spend the money on delivery. I walked down the block to the sandwich shop. I needed to use it again after lunch.”

“Probably car exhaust from walking, in addition to everything else. And the walking.”

She sighed. “Yes, Sir. Probably.”

“You can’t push yourself when you feel one coming on, or you’re not feeling your best.”

“I only wanted lunch. I hate not being able to just…do shit when I want to. Like normal people.”

“I know, sweetheart, but it’s more important for you to be alive to do the shit, right?”

“Right,” she grumbled.

He got it. Sometimes her emotional responses were due to her body’s limitations. She had to be careful with exercise, to not overdo things. She loved running, but she couldn’t do it outside most of the time, and needed to keep her time on a treadmill short and low-impact on days when her asthma was bothering her.

It frustrated her and he totally understood that, considering what he did for a living.

He also wanted to divert her attention from that now that he had an answer. “What’s new with your parents?”

“Oh.” She turned from the sink. “Um, you might not like this.”

His gut clenched even though he went for a smile and teasing tone. “Probably not, when you open with a line like that, no.”

“I’ve basically been ordered to bring you to dinner this Friday night at my parents’ house. It’s Tosh’s birthday, and they’re throwing a party for him. All hands.”

He smirked. “Ran out of ways to stall them, huh?” But he considered this a good thing.

“Yeah. Look, I apologize in advance for them. If you want me to tell them you had an emergency patient to evaluate or something—”

“Honey, I’ve been wanting to get this over with for a while. I think it’s contributing to your anxiety.”

Her shoulders tensed, a clear sign he was right. “I know,” she muttered. “Think you can work with me before we get there? Maybe put me in trance and just keep me there the whole night?”

“Doesn’t work like that, sweetie. You know it doesn’t. Or I’d gladly say yes. Besides, that won’t help you in the long run, and you know it. It’s only a delaying tactic.”

“This is usually the point where I start the countdown to losing my boyfriend.”

He stepped in and turned her from the sink, holding her. “Honey, I’m not them. You know my history. It will take a lot more than overprotective parents to drive me off. I…” He sighed. “Hell, I held a torch for Ren for years, hoping he’d come back. I’m kind of used to toughing things out to a masochistic level.”

She played with his shirt buttons. “I still say that’d be hot, watching you two together.” She playfully smiled up at him, trying to distract him and shift the topic from her family.

When they’d first met, Aden had been open with her that he was bi and had been a slave to Ren. Never lied about his previous relationship.

Ever since, she’d had a…thing about it. A good thing. A not-so-teasing default opinion that if his ex ever reappeared in Aden’s life, she wanted a front-row seat at the reunion.

If not sandwiched in a prime spot between them, at the very least Ren could always be Aden’s default hall-pass fuck.

He wouldn’t deny it was a hot fantasy of his, too, no matter how much it tortured his heart and soul to contemplate it. He and Ren hadn’t shared a woman, but it wasn’t off the plate in terms of the rules of their relationship, back then. They’d never met a woman who made them want to open what they had to a third. Ren was gay with a homoflexible bent, and had been with women in the past.

But in the eight years they’d spent together, Aden had learned more about himself and love and passion and a lot of other things, more than he’d ever thought he’d know.

Including heartbreak.

Not tonight.

He did not want to think about that man tonight. He did enough thinking about Him.

He wanted tonight to be about Etsu.

Leaning in, he slanted his lips over hers, soaking in the soft, sweet sounds she made as he kissed her. He lingered, tracing her lips with his tongue, waiting until he knew she was really into it…

Then he lifted his mouth from hers and smiled down at her. “Hurry up and finish and meet me in the bedroom.”

She swayed on her feet a little when he released her. “Yes, Sir.”

* * * *

Etsu watched Aden walk out of the kitchen then shook herself.

Dummy! Get the dishes done!

Aden had an amazing way of shutting down her brain and doing things to her body, like he knew how to crawl through her nervous system and exactly which switches to flip.

Now that she’d thought about his ex, she wouldn’t deny that had her wet. No, it’d never happen. Hell, she didn’t even know what the guy looked like. Aden didn’t have any pictures of them together on display, other than one of them kissing. But from the angle it’d been taken, the sun had been setting behind them and you couldn’t see Ren’s face.

Losing him had gutted Aden, that much she knew. And Aden wanted to protect Ren’s privacy, because he was a psychologist. She got it. Aden had welcomed her to talk to any of their friends in the Suncoast Society about Ren, but as far as personal details about the man, Aden preferred not to discuss them, not ever wanting there to be kinky ammunition someone else could use against the man.

Ren had moved to California…and that was that. She’d looked at Ren’s old FetLife profile once, when she’d first started dating Aden, but it’d been inactive for a long time and there were no face pics on there, anyway.

Ren was the reason Aden knew about hypnosis, and he’d told her about how he and Ren used to present classes on it.

She had talked to Tony, especially. She wasn’t an idiot, no matter what her family might think. Aden had given their friends permission to answer any of her questions, as long as they didn’t reveal personal information about Ren that could harm him.

She got it. One of their friends, Joel, his batshit ex had outed him years ago when Joel broke up with him, then later tried to kill Joel’s new boyfriend, Fen. Well, now-husband, but they’d still been dating then.

If things didn’t work out between her and Aden, Aden wanted there to be nothing that could be leveraged against Ren, and she understood that. She didn’t blame him. If anything, it showed the level of compassion and honor Aden had, wanting to protect a man who’d broken his heart.

Aden still loved the man, had parted friends and lovers with him. Felt protective of him.

Aden also promised that, if they were together for the long-haul, someday he would take her up to Tampa to meet Ren’s dad, who was like an adopted father to Aden. While they’d been seeing each other for six months, the first few weeks they’d only seen each other once or twice a week, so it wasn’t like they’d had 24/7 time together that whole time. Only in the past month had she been spending more than one or two nights a week with Aden. He’d wanted to take things slowly and cautiously after having his heart broken the last time.

Tony had told her about topping Aden a few times in the early days, when Aden was still struggling, processing, and needed more than just an ear. That’d been before Tony had met his wife, Shayla.

Etsu never got the feeling Aden was being anything but honest with her.

She just…

Hell, she liked watching male-male porn. Many of the books on her Kindle featured male-male pairings, or even MMF ménages, where the lady got the best of both worlds.

Was it wrong to fantasize about wanting some of that herself, even if she knew it’d never happen?

After she finished cleaning the kitchen she headed back to the master bedroom. Aden sat propped up in bed, naked, the TV on.

He gave her a playful smile and patted the bed in front of him, spreading his thighs for her.

Eagerly, she went. Crawling across the bed on all fours, she smiled up at him. “Hi.”

He chuckled. “Hi. I know what you want. Won’t make you beg for it tonight, baby.”

She dove for his cock, her eyes falling closed and a happy sigh escaping her as his hands gently threaded through her hair. Oooh, one of her favorite things. First guy she’d been with who not only trimmed his bush, but shaved his balls, too.

Something else she could thank Ren for, if she ever met him.

Aden was the first partner she’d had who took time to actually tell her what he liked, how to make it feel good. Likewise, he was the first partner she’d had who’d bothered to ask her how things felt, what to do differently, better—to make sure she felt good, too.

He wasn’t the first guy she’d played with, but he was the first one with whom she’d settled into what was looking more and more like a long-term relationship. The first guy she’d played privately with, after talking with lots of other people first and playing with him several times at Venture.

He’d never violated her trust. If anything, he’d gone out of his way to an annoying extent to make sure he wasn’t moving too fast.

He’d taken his time, taken care, and taken charge.

Now if my parents don’t blow this for me…

Although with Aden’s cock in her mouth, the last thing she wanted to think about was her family.

“Come back to me, baby.”

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NSFW Sneak Peek: Empty-Handed Heart (Suncoast Society, MMF)
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