IMG_4790It’s a Monday. LOL Those of you who are in my Tymber’s Trybe Facebook group got to read a small taste of what my weekend was like as a DM at a convention.

#wheresthetape #Isurvivednipplepatrol2016

Hubby and I finally watched Batman vs. Superman.


Not to hate on it, but I finally hit that tipping point between turning it off and forcing myself to endure to the end because I’d made it that far. And because I’m a sadist, I made Hubby sit there and watch it with me. And Gidget.

Gidget was NOT amused. She kept trying to escape while mumbling something about calling the SPCA on us for cruelty to animals for forcing her to sit through the entire thing.

Gidget will be writing a review of the movie in the next couple of weeks. Be prepared.

td-falling-rocks-ss-3I received the cover today for Beware Falling Rocks (Suncoast Society 37, MF, BDSM) coming from Siren-BookStrand on 9/26. Woot!

Also, over the weekend, Rhymes With Orange (Suncoast Society 35, MMMF, BDSM) hit Kindle and other third-party outlets. (Except Nook. Of course. Sorry about that, it’s beyond my control. Just keep looking for it there, it’ll show up eventually. Or you can buy it in epub format directly from BookStrand.)


Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT)Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX)
Kindle (BR)Kindle (IN) | Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES) | Kindle (FR)

Nook | Kobo | iTunes | Google

Click here to read an excerpt.

DM1-audio-monkeybusinessAnd two more of my Siren titles showed up in audiobook format! Yay!

Monkey Business (Drunk Monkeys 1, MFM, military/futuristic/post-apocalyptic)

Amazon | Audible | iTunes


Steam (Triple Trouble prequel, MFM, shifters)

Amazon | Audible | iTunes (coming soon)


Also, in case you missed it, Geek Chic (Bleacke Shifters 2, writing as Lesli Richardson) is now available as an audiobook. 🙂

Amazon | Audible | iTunes

Don’t forget, you can sign up for an account at BookStrand and then follow my author page there to get alerts as soon as BookStrand posts one of my Tymber Dalton books for pre-order. That way, you don’t have to wait weeks for it to release to third-party sites! 🙂

Beware Falling Ice (Suncoast Society 36, MF, BDSM) should be going up for pre-order any day now. It will release on 8/29/16, and it’s usually about 11-12 days or so when they post the pre-order.

Have a great Monday! 🙂

My Tymber Dalton Amazon Page | My Lesli Richardson Amazon Page | Facebook

Rhymes With Orange on Kindle, audiobook updates, and more! 🙂
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