So between Spouse’s emergency gallbladder surgery in November, and then Princess Kiwi dying at the end of November, and yet ANOTHER freaking impending car repair, this was a pretty bleak Christmas. We didn’t even put up our large tree, just a small tabletop one with mostly lights on it and a few soft ornaments the cats couldn’t destroy if it got knocked over. The Bard came over and we had a small lunch for just the three of us, watched the Doctor Who Christmas special and Godzilla vs. Kong (because the Bard hadn’t seen it yet) and chilled out.

This is the longest we’ve not had a dog in 26 years, and our first Christmas without one, and mentally Spouse and I are really struggling. There will be a shelter visit in our future. I thought we could tough it out but we were not meant to not have a dog in our home.

Still plugging my way through final edits on Bleacke Shifters 9. Then this morning I realize I haven’t even formalized the covers for Bleacke Shifters 9 & 10 yet. (head/desk) So if you’re not already, make sure to join my newsletter to never miss alerts on when that goes live. (You can pre-order it from my site at a discount.)

And for a cheery update: PSST!!! The Stuff Your Ereader event might already be live and ready for you to start downloading books a day early!!! 🙂

The biggest one yet!! (Get your minds out of the gutter…)
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