Grimmy - Loving maow-maow, or cunning face of eeeevill...?
Grimmy has the right idea. I think I need a nap…zzzz…

Whew. What a week last week. Thank you for all the condolences, they are truly appreciated. Our friend’s wife (which sounds weird, because she’s our dear friend, too) is trying to get through this and hanging in there. It’s a process.

Between that, deadlines, new releases, and Writers Lab last weekend, it feels like I sort of both sleepwalked through the week, and that it rushed by leaving me staring at its wake like Wily Coyote trying to process that the Roadrunner just lapped him. Again.

So a quick summation post now that my feet are sort of under me again.

For starters, yes, I have a WAAAAYYY overdue post office trip. Sorry for the delay getting the last giveaways out in the mail. (I swear I’ll get them out.)

Triple Trouble 1 “Trouble Comes in Threes” is now available in audio format via Audible on Amazon, and on iTunes, and the Kindle format is on sale for only .99.

A Clean Sweep” (Suncoast Society 9, mfmm, BDSM) is now available on Kindle, Kobo, and Google Play. Sorry, iTunes and Nook are being their usual slow-assed selves.

me-td-dm-monkeybusiness3Monkey Business” (Drunk Monkeys 1, mfm, post-apocalyptic, military/spec ops) released on Siren-BookStrand last Monday! Takes about 4-6 weeks for books to release to third-party sites (I have no control over that) but you can buy it in various formats from BookStrand, and if you have a Kindle you can add it to your account and it will send the file right to your device.

I got “A Roll of the Dice” (Suncoast Society 9, mf, BDSM) and “Grease Monkey” (Drunk Monkeys 4) both submitted and contracted with Siren. Woot! (Hence the brain explosion reference in the title. I am FRIED right now.) So here is the current slew of pending release dates I have:

Yes, still slogging through edits on “Geek Chic” (Bleacke Shifters 2). (Hey, when I self-pub stuff, I’m REALLLLLY slow with edits and tweaking it.)

With those four Siren releases, however, that puts me at 60 releasesΒ with my publisher under all four pen names there. *happy dance!*

Last weekend was the first ever Writers Lab. WOW what a great time! The producers are friends of mine, who also put on Florida Power Exchange every year. We brought in writers and readers and they were able to learn first-hand from people involved in the BDSM lifestyle in a widely varying array of roles and types of play. The day was filled with discussions, and then that evening they got to witness real scenes. And even ask for some hands-on time as well. Everything from seeing what a violet wand and vampire gloves feel like, to getting flogged–lots of stuff. Even better, I FINALLY got to meet some fantastic people in real life, whom I’d been talking with online for years, like bestie Tara Rose and her hubby. (Tara posted an amazing recap of the weekend that sums it up from her perspective.)

What was great is I loved being able to share WIITWD (what it is that we do) in BDSM in a tangible way, to put to life and use all the things I’ve told people over the years, yet never had a way of SHOWING. Michael and amaia did an AMAZING job of bringing it all together, and I can’t wait for next year! The presenters are people they and I know in the lifestyle (one of them a skeet buddy of ours LOL) and are people we knew demonstrated some of the best of the best of our local lifestyle community. (I mean, we could have easily had five times the presenters we did, but only had limited room and time.) I really appreciate that they took the time out of their busy lives to come teach this weekend and share their passion for the BDSM lifestyle with others.

IMG_3317And at dinner and the meet and greet on Friday, everyone got to meet Hubby and Sir, together at the same time in the same room. LOL! So not only do my online friends exist outside of my computer, my online friends know that Sir and Hubby both exist. LOL Oh, and Sparkles, the slutty, trouble-making unicorn, apparently followed people to Florida and has now taken up residence with me. *sigh* He’s a wild one, that Sparkles is. We even have video evidence of him getting flogged by Tara. LOL

So if you missed this year’s Writers Lab, you won’t want to miss the next one. Also, Florida Power Exchange is in September, and would be another excellent way for writers (or readers) to safely immerse themselves in learning about the BDSM lifestyle in an ACCURATE and non-judgmental way.

Coming Soon, Writers Lab, and brain explosions…
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16 thoughts on “Coming Soon, Writers Lab, and brain explosions…

  • July 2, 2014 at 12:54 pm

    Sparkles is a handful. You can have him. LOL!! Love you!! <3 πŸ˜€

  • July 2, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    Had a super time. Was great to see you, hubby & Sir again. Meeting Tara & Shellie for the first time and seeing Saya and her Sir again was super.
    It was the best time. Love you! <3

    • July 2, 2014 at 4:25 pm

      Trish – It was great seeing you and Bill again!!! πŸ™‚

  • July 2, 2014 at 2:40 pm

    Thanks for the update, Tymber. I’m hoping to to make the Writers Lab next year and see just how bad Sparkles can be πŸ™‚

  • July 3, 2014 at 2:20 am

    Sounds like a great time was had by all… a bit envious here…. such a LOOOONNGGG way for some to go though! LOL! Even though we are planning another trip to the USA next year, Florida just always seems to be just that little bit too far south east. Have now visited about 31 of your states – cant figure out how to do the circle in the middle states, far NE states and the far SE! [sigh]

    • July 3, 2014 at 11:30 am

      @Vanessa – You need to take a trip and start in Key West and take US 1 all the way up to Maine. LOL πŸ™‚

  • July 3, 2014 at 2:33 am

    BTW forgot to say congrats on the upcoming books! so good for us while exhausting for you of course πŸ™‚ Loved Tara’s post on her blog couldn’t leave a comment as I am not sure how to on there. I also have been a little lazy letting you know how much I loved “A Clean Sweep” and “A Lost Bird”. They each made me smile, laugh and shed a tear or two. Something I have come to expect Tymber from your books. I have Drunk Monkey’s 1 in my eTBR pile – will get to it soon – to see what I think of your book set in Australia. πŸ™‚

  • July 3, 2014 at 8:00 am

    Had an amazing time at Writer’s Lab ans can’t wait for the next one! Meeting and hanging with you, Tara, Shellie, Trish, and the incredible people from the Florida Community will go down as the highlight of my year. Miss you guys already…

    • July 3, 2014 at 11:31 am

      Saya – I wish you and your Sir could join us in September at FPE!!! I had such a great time with you all. πŸ™‚

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