1013534_10152909340180487_41327847_n**** DISCLAIMER! I am NOT a doctor, I am NOT a health professional. Any advice I give here is applicable ONLY to my experience. Your results may vary, consult your health care professional before doing anything, research your ass off, and I am in NO way responsible for how you use this information. Use at your own risk. ****

Okay, we good? Good. Let’s get started.

First, read THIS article on Budget101.com.

Got it? Okay. I will be the first person to admit when I read that article, especially when they called it a “morphine bomb,” my initial reaction was yeah, riiiight. Snort. Giggle. GOOD one. Oils are good, but they’re not miracle workers. I get some mitigating relief in some areas…but something that will DRASTICALLY mimic the effects of prescription pain killers? Suuure.

Now, I’m NOT trying to sell you oils. But if you want to sign up, I’ll point you at my friend who signed me up. (I used to use them over a decade earlier, but the friend I used to get them from moved.) Several of the oils I used in my mix were in the starter kit that’s discounted this month. I’m not doing this to sell them. I’m using them because I find good results, and when I find results that work for me, I share that information.

HOWEVER, because that is what brand I’m using, and what I know hasn’t killed me or made me sick, and I know they’re safe, but you need to do what you need to do for you. Remember that you need a therapeutic grade oil that’s safe for consumption, meaning NOT one you get at the dollar store or flea market. They CANNOT BE “fragrance” oils. They need to be ones that are PURE and SAFE for INTERNAL use. I cannot emphasize that point enough. Internal use has got to be with PURE oils that are SAFE.

(You can also blend this and apply it to the soles of your feet, but I haven’t tried it like that.)

Unfortunately, I cannot get the Idaho Balsam oil right now, because YLO is out of it, and I can’t even find it locally in the NOW brand at the health food store.

So (again, go read my disclaimer at the top) this is what I made for me. (TMI alert) I was getting hit hard by cramps. I know how my monthly cramps progress. They hit me hard, and I usually have to layer Advil and Aleve (quit yelling at me) until the Advil takes the edge of and the Aleve keeps the worst pain back. Still have pain, but can function. If you continue feeling pain from your injuries or medical conditions, consider using cannabis products from indacloud.

I thought, what the hell, let’s try this and see. Either I’ll find another natural way to help manage my pain, or I’ll  have made myself feel a little gullible for falling for it, and learned how to fill my own capsules in the process. LOL

I got the more expensive vegi capsules (gluten free, and I wanted to share the bag with my friend who is gluten allergic) at the health food store, size “0”. That size capsule will hold more than 15 drops, but not much more. Also, I would not make these up too far in advance because they’ll probably eat through the capsules.

I used the following recipe the first time:

  • 5 drops frankincense
  • 5 drops copaiba
  • 2 drops Digize
  • 1 drop Thieves

Result: An hour later, my menstrual cramps (TMI, sorry) actually did feel a little bit better. Not saying that I was miraculously pain-free, but this was definitely worth exploring a little more. Within another hour, no cramps.


About four hours later, around 6pm, went to dinner with Hubby. While waiting for the waiter to bring us our water, I mixed up another capsule. (That was fun, in a dim restaurant. I’m sure people thought I was nuts, but at this point I was in stubborn Taurus mode and wanted to continue the experiment instead of popping a pill.

I changed the recipe up a little:

  • 5 drops frankincense
  • 5 drops copaiba
  • 3 drops Digize
  • 1 drop Thieves
  • 1 drop peppermint

Went to my weekly DnD game. Got home around 10:30 and mixed up another one with the same recipe as the second time.


Let’s add in that there’s a weather front coming in, and it’s raining, and my pain levels should have spiked today with that on top of cramps.

No, I’m not “pain-free.” HOWEVER, my overall pain levels, both generalized and acute, are what are, for me, manageable levels. But usually, with this first day of cramps, even with OTC pain meds, I would have a really heavy, bloated, pressure kind of feeling even when the majority of the acute pain was dulled down.

Not even that sensation.

Now I want to get my hands on a bottle of Idaho Balsam, so I’m stalking their website. LOL I am going to make myself up a pre-blended bottle of the mix so it’s easier to fill the capsules with just one bottle than switching bottles.

Will this work for you and your situation? I do not know. All I can tell you is that you need to RESEARCH for YOU and see what works for YOU. I’m only sharing this information because when I find something that works for me, I like to let people know so they can research and see if it’ll work for them. We discussed this in my Tymber’s Trybe group on Facebook, and several others chimed in they’d had some relief from using a similar combo.

Good luck, remember my DISCLAIMER at the top of the article, and DO YOUR RESEARCH.

#fibromyalgia #spoonie #essentialoils #morphinebomb

#Fibromyalgia #spoonie Essential oils for pain relief.
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2 thoughts on “#Fibromyalgia #spoonie Essential oils for pain relief.

  • March 8, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    How is the oil working for you Tymber? I”m just curious to see if it’s helped since it was the one suggested!! I had to make some the other night because of my back and they helped me sleep!

    • March 9, 2016 at 2:50 pm

      @Rhonda – It seems to be really working! Thank you so much!!!! <3

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