(If you make it to the bottom of this update you get to see the puppeh tax! LOL)

My appointment with my pulmonologist on Monday said the PFT I took shows problems. UGH. They don’t know if it’s due to the pneumonia, if it was so close to me having covid (because nothing says “healthy lungs” like a case of covid on TOP of trying to recover from pneumonia that went misidiagnosed for 3 months). For now I’m on all the same meds, have a follow-CT to schedule, have my follow-up appointment scheduled, and strict instructions to call them IMMEDIATELY if I have any breathing issues.

So…yeah. Fun times! I’ve spent all but about 3 weeks of this year so far either sick or feeling like shit. I’m…well, sick of that. I thought fibromyalgia flares were bad. This just suuuucks.


Dignity and Diligence are now up on Everand as audiobooks. Desire should be dropping soon, so stay tuned. Also, Acquainted With the Night is there. Yes, they eventually do go up on the third-party audiobook sites, but Everand is a BARGAIN, much like KU except without the bullshit for authors (and you get SO much more with your membership there.)


If you want to pick up my Bleacke Shifters Omnibus (Books 1-7) for 25% off, you can do that exclusively on my online store! Just use coupon code SLBLEACKEOMNI25 at check-out! https://payhip.com/b/gjClL That coupon expires 6/30. Also… if you haven’t picked up Bleacke Moments (book 8) yet, when you order the omnibus, a cross-sell discount message will appear in your cart and you can also add Bleacke Moments for 25% off!


Remember, you can pre-order Bleacke Shifters 9&10 directly from me at a discount: https://payhip.com/LesliRichardson/collection/pre-orders


More chapters of A Bleacke Outlook (Bleacke Shifters 9) have been posted over on Patreon for paid subscribers, as well as some other things. And I’m setting up chat features for higher tiers so you can AMA me about my various series, etc.

So I’ve been asked why am I pushing my Patreon so hard lately. I’m not trying to create an ecosystem where you “have” to subscribe to get my finished books. And no, I’m NOT going to stop publishing books. No, they will NOT “only” be available on Patreon. Any of my new Lesli Richardson books that I post piecemeal on there yes, non-Patreons will be able to buy them at ebook retailers once they’re released (or pre-order at a discount from my Payhip store before they’re released).

However… Some of the new Tymber Dalton titles I publish (like the Suncoast Society story I’ve started) will be exclusively on Patreon for a while even after they’re completed. How long, I don’t know yet. (But that point is, for now, moot because it will be a while before any new Tymber titles I post there will be finished and ready for publication, so they’ll be ongoing posts for a looong time. I’m sooooo far behind right now.) They might be released as freebies, or for sale, but there are other considerations I have to keep in mind about some of the existing Tymber titles (I won’t go into detail about that here).

The problem is I can’t afford ad buys to boost my visibility in the incredibly increasing murky and deep swamp of AI-generated garbage out there. So I’m doing my best to diversify my income as best I can. I physically (and mentally) cannot publish one or two titles a month the way I used to.

Patreon allows me to help with a two-pronged issue: delivering new content to my readers (you wonderful folks) on a regular basis, and trying to stabilize my income in a more predictable way (which totally is NOT predictable when it’s only sales). I can look at my budget and guesstimate that I will have approximately $X coming in every month from Patreon (right now I think it’s about $125 thanks to two new subscribers–MWAH! thank you!). And the lowest tier is $5/month, which if you were picking up all my titles when I was able to write like a maniac (cue hysterical laughter) that’s still less than you were spending on my titles before.

No, you do NOT have to subscribe to it. You will still (eventually) be able to purchase those titles in the wild. But for those readers who do have a little extra change to toss my way every month will receive them a sooner, as well as be able to access exclusive chats and see other WIPs and stuff that might take far longer to release. And you get the finished books! The other bonus is that in some tiers you get other books FREE. Not just new ones, but backlist titles. That means readers new to me who have only read a couple of my books have a far more affordable way to start picking up my backlist via their Patreon subscription than buying them piecemeal.

And if you don’t want to subscribe to my Patreon but want to toss some extra change into my tip jar, I’m always VERY grateful about that, and thank you! https://ko-fi.com/tymberdalton

Thank you so much! And here’s your puppeh tax of Buffet!

Groundhog Day, Lungs Edition; New in Audiobook, and More
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