Wishing everyone a Merry Solstice and Blessed Yule today. 🙂 In Case You Missed It… Monkey See, Monkey Do (Drunk Monkeys 9) is available for pre-order and releases on 12/28! Hubby’s book Can’t Dance Forever (A Wolf Mallory Mystery) is
Now Available for Pre-Order: Monkey See, Monkey Do (Drunk Monkeys 9)
The ninth book in my Drunk Monkeys series, Monkey See, Monkey Do, is available for pre-order from BookStrand: Click here to pre-order. Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over
Now in Audiobook: Fire and Ice (Triple Trouble prequel)
Yay! Fire and Ice (Triple Trouble prequel 3) is now available as an audiobook. Woot! Amazon | Audible | iTunes Lina thought surviving her Yellowstone vacation was hairy. She doesn’t even have time to enjoy her newly discovered powers with
Now on Kindle: Ice Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 7)
Ice Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 7) has just hit Kindle. That means it’ll be making its way to other third-party sites soon. Description Atlanta will get a whole lot hotter when you add…the Drunk Monkeys. Donna’s eating her lunch and minding
#FreebieAlert – Monday, December 14, 2015 (Cousin Eddie Edition)
Haven’t done one of these in a while, so it’s time to break out those sticky clicky fingers to grab the goodies I’m about to toss your way. This’ll be the hap-hap-happiest freebie alert post since Bing Crosby tap-danced with
Available for Pre-Order: Can’t Dance Forever (Wolf Mallory Mystery, bk 2) by Jon Dalton
KDP will quit nagging me now. I got the final file for Hubby’s latest book uploaded to it and set it for final. Two. Days. Early. WOOT! Book 2 in the Wolf Mallory series, Can’t Dance Forever, will release on
Stop the madness!!
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT The Denim Dom is on audiobook Impact (Suncoast Society) is available at third-party sites Hubby’s book Can’t Dance Forever is on pre-order Code Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 8) is now available!
Cats Out of Context…
The following have been said about or to cats in our household within the past week. (Sometimes, more than once.) The drain’s out of the cat’s ass. Get your baby off the stove! Keep it classy. Quit smacking your daughter
Thomas Jefferson on religion.
(A reminder to those who still scream that the founding fathers created this country as a “Christian” nation…) The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for
Arguing gun control with an idiot…
*Rant warning. If you don’t want to read a gun control rant, then skip this. I’ve closed comments because I honestly don’t feel like dealing with trolls, or having trolls go after commenters. Feel free to rant on your own
Release Day: Code Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 8)
Just two more books after this one… Today is release day for Code Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 8). http://www.bookstrand.com/book/code-monkey Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have
Message from the Drunk Monkeys…
Had a question from a reader about some of the Drunk Monkeys’ current activities, and forwarded it to the Drunk Monkeys. Got a message in my inbox today from Papa: We are nowhere near Santa Clarita (anymore) and swear we’re
Cover Reveal: Monkey See, Monkey Do (Drunk Monkeys 9)
It’s always sad to get to the end of a series. As I’m going through final edits for the Drunk Monkeys books, it’s hitting me that yeah, their story is complete. *sigh* Here’s the cover for book 9, Monkey See,
More to come…
I’ve gotten asked this question several times over the past couple of weeks. Yes, I’m still going to be writing more books in the Suncoast Society. But my other series are now screaming at me to write them. Since I’ve
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow American peeps, and Happy Thursday for everyone else! 🙂 In Case You Missed It Code Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 8) available for pre-order. Ice Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 7) now available. Impact (Suncoast Society 32) now