What a busy Monday! Just turned in edits for A Roll of the Dice (Suncoast Society 9). And, coincidentally, received the cover for that book in my inbox, too! 🙂

s-td-ss-rollofthedice3I love it! The reason for the dice is because the husband plays DnD. 🙂 As for the rope…you’ll just have to read the book when it releases on 9/12. 🙂

Also, Monkey’s Uncle (Drunk Monkeys 2) has hit Kindle. That means it should be dropping at other third-party sites soon. (You know the routine, everyone’s slower than Kindle. No, I don’t know why, but my publisher uploads them all at the same time.)

Click here to order Monkey’s Uncle from Kindle.

me-td-dm-barrelofmonkeys3Also, I received the cover for Barrel of Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 5) today. Whew! 🙂 Hot hot hot! 🙂

I can’t wait for you all to read that one.

Coincidentally, Grease Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 4) just went up for pre-order over at Siren-BookStrand. It takes 4-6 weeks following initial release at my publisher’s site for the books to make it to third-party sites. Don’t forget, if you have a Kindle, you can input that into your BookStrand account and they can send the file right to your Kindle. They also have an app for iOS and Android devices, or you can download file formats for other types of readers and transfer them to your reader of choice.

Click here to pre-order Grease Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 4).

Okay, so I think that catches me up. LOL How’s your Monday going? Hope you have a great week! 🙂

Happy Reading!

New covers, a pre-order, and more!
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