So I’ve decided to seriously undertake vegetable gardening again. I use a combination of containers/raised beds because I cannot physically do traditional gardening methods with my fibromyalgia. (And I’ll be looking into straw bale gardening, too.) So I ordered a Mr. Stacky set of pots for strawberries, herbs, and greens, in addition to the other containers I already have. I’ll be posting more about that in future posts. (And yes, I’ll admit my gardening research before starting this year’s garden led me to ideas about Wylie’s misadventures in Splendid Isolation. LOL)

My goal is to reduce our grocery bill by a lot this year. There wasn’t a lot of outlay for supplies, fortunately. We had most of the containers I need already. Just had to buy seeds, and this Mr. Stacky system to try out. (It’s not the largest they have. You can see in the picture Grimmy inspecting it to get a sense of scale.)

Doing this for a lot of reasons, the primary one being that, honestly? I feel I need to be able to provide for my family outside of grocery stores just in case. Also, it will probably save us several hundred dollars in the long run.

Wouldn’t exactly call myself a prepper. More a prudent “just-in-case-er.”

And, eh, Hubby’s going to learn to cook/like turnips and rutabagas. LOL (Those seeds are CHEAP!) Yes, I’m planting more than just that. A LOT more. Tomatoes, greens, herbs, melons, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans–a LOT of different veggies. And I’ll be staggering the planting times so they produce all throughout the summer.

And in book news: I’ve got a new book on pre-order, and another is in the Time Machine for only .99! Keep reading for more info…

Cross Country Chaos (MF, contemporary) is the first book of mine published by Siren (writing as Lesli Richardson). For a limited time, it’s only .99 in their Time Machine!

Cross Country Chaos by Lesli Richardson

Divorced mom Kelly Alexander wants her younger son, Denny, who is in a wheelchair due to spina bifida, to participate in sports. Kelly finds out about the Junior National Disability Games, but they’re in Spokane, Washington, a continent away from her Florida home. She’s clueless about what to do next.

Mart Rawlings is a single, handsome wheelchair athlete who volunteers to coach Denny and helps him qualify–and falls hard for Kelly. But past heartache over her cheating ex fuels Kelly’s reluctance to get personally involved with him.

Kelly must survive a grueling cross country drive to Nationals with her sons and mother, but more importantly, can she make herself take a chance on love?

(I do have plans to eventually write more books set in that world. Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to clone myself to write faster. LOL)

And Splendid Isolation (Suncoast Society 45, MM, BDSM) is now available for pre-order!

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites by my publisher. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)


Following a humiliating breakup with his abusive ex and business partner, Wylie sells his software company and moves to Florida. He’s determined to be self-sufficient and turn his rundown homestead around.

One slight problem—he has absolutely no clue what he’s doing. He’s in way over his head.

Everett’s a skilled artisan metalworker exploring his kinky side. He never went to college, but he’s good at what he does, even if he doesn’t earn much working ren fair circuits. Enter a job offer from Leo, which solves one of his problems.

When the Viking blacksmith and the computer geek meet over a welding job, sparks fly. Literally. Egos clash between the two fish out of water while their intense chemistry draws them together. With love and sex as hot as Everett’s forge, the two men fall hard.

Then Wylie’s ex tries to blackmail him back to California. Is Wylie’s spine tempered steel? Or will Everett lose his first true love?

Facebook Release Party:

Also, I have release dates for my next several Siren books:


My most recent releases:

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New Pre-Order, Time Machine Discount, Adventures in Gardening 2017
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