Do you hate Amazon (or not use them) for reviews and wish you could put them somewhere else they won’t get “eaten”? I was introduced to a WP plugin for reviews that I’m trying out and so far, I like it! Problem is, I manually have to apply it to every. Freaking. Page. LOL (Meaning per book, and I have over 200, so…) It’s going to take me…a while. I’m going to try to get most of my newest Lesli books updated with it first, and some of my most popular Tymber titles. I’m also able to manually input reviews from other sites, so yay, I won’t lose those if blogs go out of business. If you want to review my books but don’t like doing it on the vendor sites, please feel free to do so here! (Greatly appreciated, too!) If you want to do it for a book I haven’t updated to the new feature yet, please let me know. (Note, this is different than the “comments” feature!) Thanks!!

New site review feature!
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