Thanks for all the release day well-wishes yesterday. I crashed hard and finally got some sleep, so I’m sorry if I haven’t thanked everyone personally for that.

(In case you missed it, it’s Similar to Rain, Suncoast Society 46, MM, BDSM.)

We’re now home from my mother-in-law’s funeral in Ohio. Yes, we drove. Left last last Thursday night, drove straight through, the funeral was Saturday, and we left Sunday morning and returned home to Florida a little before 5am Monday.

Yes, it was a grind. But flying wasn’t an option. It was sad, but she’d had a long battle with Alzheimer’s, so in a way this is a “good” thing because she’s no longer suffering. It doesn’t make the loss any easier, but it wasn’t like it was sudden and unexpected. (I’ll do a post on my master expert Tetris-level packing skills once I’ve recovered from the drive a little more.)

I did get to see real falling snow for the first time. (While I was driving through it…driving in snow for the first time. LOL)

But today, I want to pimp some peeps. (My Amazon affiliate code is in the links.)

Bestie Ravenna Tate’s newest, Relentless (Tortured Love 3) is out today:

Laurann Dohner’s Lavos (VLG 5) is out now:

Sam Crescent has a new release: Easy (Trojans MC 7):

Happy belated release to Jenika Snow, Alpha Knows Best

Jane Jamison has a new release, Purring in Fate (Werecats of Fate 2):

My book Happy Spank Patrick’s Day is on pre-order:

Want to join my Facebook reader’s group? Click here to join Tymber’s Trybe!

Authors, if you’re looking for PA services, or promo graphics, or book trailers, I HIGHLY recommend my friend Trish over at Sunshine Reads. She loves authors and is well-read, so she knows the genre. Plus she does great work and is very reasonable. Or if you’re looking for blogs to post about your book, send her a message. She’s always looking to feature new books/authors!


My most recent releases:

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites by my publisher. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)

While you’re logged into Siren-BookStrand, go to my author page there to check the “follow” option on my page. Siren-BookStrand will send you e-mail updates when I have a new book go on pre-order, so you won’t miss a new release! 🙂 (No spam, just upload alerts.)

Coming Soon | Spreadsheet of Buy Links | Series Info | Audiobooks

Tymber’s Amazon Author Page | Lesli’s Amazon Author Page

My Siren-BookStrand Author Page

Hubby’s Amazon Author Page as Jon Dalton

Hubby’s Amazon Author Page as Haley Jordan

#PeepPimpage 03/07/2017 – Great new releases!
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