71aqmTm0XQL._UX250_It’s no secret that from time to time I love to give shout-outs to my peeps and pimp their books for them. (Especially when I love a series!) Bestie Ravenna Tate has a particularly yummy one that, if you haven’t tried it yet, what are you missing?

Ravenna Tate’s Amazon Page

In the year 2112, weather researchers around the globe made history with a computer program nicknamed The Madeline Project. The program used a complicated series of electrical pulses to induce changes in clouds. The intention was to prevent or lesson catastrophic weather events such as major floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. The first real-time test in 2116 proved moderately successful, and the researchers continued to tweak the program, hoping for complete weather modification one day.

But something went terribly wrong in 2117 when a group of hackers gained access to The Madeline Project and tried unsuccessfully to take it down it with a virus they called Tommy Twister. The program took on a life of its own, and instead of lessening the effects of weather events, it has now increased them to catastrophic proportions. By 2118, over eighty-five percent of the Earth above ground had been rendered uninhabitable due to the effects of near-constant and powerful storms. And to date, no one has been able to stop The Madeline Project, or find the hackers responsible for this devastation.

Now, in the year 2124, Earth’s population lives underground in sprawling cities. Communication between cities and across continents is only possible via the Internet. And the only people who go above ground routinely are an international group of weather researchers and storm chasers dubbed Storm Troopers. Their mission is to collect data during the barrage of catastrophic weather events, in the hopes this data will assist researchers in taking down The Madeline Project.

The financial backing for these cities, the network of interconnected computers, and the Storm Troopers is provided by a group of friends who met in college, and who each built multi-million dollar communications and IT companies before The Madeline Project went awry. They’re a powerful, wealthy, ruthless group of men who take what they want, when they want it. They call themselves the Weathermen…

Uh, yes, please! I’ve been enjoying this series and while I’ve pimped a few of the books I wanted to make sure I pimped the whole series out. The series isn’t done yet, but it’s over halfway, so grab it and start binge-reading! 🙂

  1. An Appetite For Blackmail
  2. Obsession By Design
  3. The Price Of Secrecy
  4. Exclusive Access
  5. A Slow-Burning Dance
  6. Taking Passion By Storm
  7. A Covert Conquest
  8. The Second Time Around (Coming Soon)
  9. Systematic Seduction (Coming Soon)
  10. – 12. (Coming Soon)

She also writes as Tara Rose and Carolyn Rosewood, if you want to check out more of her books. 🙂 Yes, she’s one of my besties, but she’s also a dang good writer. Enjoy!


Monkeying Around (Drunk Monkeys 10) | Tony’s Collection (Suncoast Society)

#PeepPimpage – Author Ravenna Tate’s Weathermen series.
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