It’s that final deadline crunch week of the month. Tomorrow is the release day for Flying Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 6) YAY! Less than twenty-four hours to go. And in case you missed it, YES, I FINALLY got Geek Chic (Bleacke
The Blacklist: Red was right!
*SPOILER ALERT!* Yes, I had to DVR The Blacklist Monday night because of DnD. But I just watched it. Shall we?…
OMG!!! TWD!! Hannibal!! The Blacklist!!!
Holy exclamation points, Batman! Can I just say OMG about how Hannibal ended tonight??? Seriously?? Is anyone else watching this show, because DAYAMN, I love this show!!! I love how they weave things in from the books and juxtapose them