Tonight (Wednesday) I’ll be chatting live with the Righteous Perverts on their site. (Scroll all the way down their page to find the chat log-in box.) 8pm CST/9pm EST It’s always a blast, and I’ll be kvetching about my current
I was in USA Today!!!!
WOW. I was stumbling out around in the yard walking dogs pre-coffee and no glasses and trying to scroll through my email on my phone when I found this! *clears throat* OHMYFRAKKINGGODDESSIWASFEATUREDINUSATODAY!!!!!!!!* Sorry. I had to scream it. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!
"The Denim Dom" (Tony’s story) coming soon!
Looks like I have a tentative release date of March 1 for The Denim Dom. (Subject to possibly change, but that’s what it’s listed as for now.) Yes, that’s Tony’s story (from The Reluctant Dom and Domme by Default). No
Happy 2013! :) The year of an attitude of gratitude.
Well, edits are turned in for It’s a Sweet Life, my Coffeeshop Coven prequel that releases on 1/18. And…for those of you who don’t follow my Facebook page, I’m happy to announce that Siren has accepted The Denim Dom (Tony’s story)
What am I up to now?
Yay, I survived Thanksgiving without adding too many pounds. LOL I hope everyone survived it safe and sound (and sane!). And tomorrow, Mercury goes from retrograde back to direct. (Can I have a hallelujah?) And on Friday, the fourth installment
Where’s Tony’s Story?
Yes, it’s currently the question I’m getting asked the most often: Where is Tony’s story? I am working on it, I swear. (For those of you who don’t know who Tony is, he was in The Reluctant Dom and Domme
What’s next?
So what am I working on now? Yes, Tony’s story (The Denim Dom) is in the works. I’m taking my time and not rushing his story because I’m allergic to being lynched by my readers. LOL The biggies on my