Well, we survived the storm. Luckily it wasn’t much of an impact on our area. Still have the boards up, but we’ll get those down in the next couple of days. A chance comment and reply to a friend on
Writing and “Real Life?”
(This is my weekly contribution to the Amira Press Says blog at: http://amirapresssays.blogspot.com/ If you haven’t stopped by there lately, please go check it out! We have a lot of talented authors at Amira Press!) *** The powers that be
Sucktacular Synopsis Stigma
Most fiction writers will probably agree on one thing if nothing else: writing the synopsis sucks. Period. In fact, it’s a current discussion in The Romance Room email list. In that same vein, I found some helpful links on writing
On Editing…
The editing process, as I’ve found, is always a learning curve. One can never know too much about editing. The more you edit, the more you learn, which leads to better writing. Participating on a peer-review critique group is a