It’s done! The Great Turning: Future Ages (book 3) is OUT! Came in at a honking 197k words. Whew!

I’m uploading it to various retail sites now. It’s already up for my Patreon subscribers. If you preordered it through a retail site, it should be dropping soon. It IS available on all sites now.

I apologize in advance for free-range typos that evaded me. I ripped the thing apart so many times I’m sure some escaped capture. And between long-covid brain, fibrofog brain, and grief brain, I had to finally say okay and let it go.

(Before you ask, no, the Russ in the books is not named after my Viking, Russ who passed away. I’d started writing the books years before I ever met him, and it was just a coincidence. Unfortunately, it was one of the reasons I had such a difficult time finishing this book.)

I appreciate it no matter where you legally purchase your copy, but some people have asked me where I make the most profit.

That would be through my Payhip store: (And it’s live there!)

The universal purchase link for all retailers:

ALSO… I’m running a preorder for signed paperback copies, discounted from what the retail print cost will be. (Shipping will be 4-6 weeks.) That’s also direct through my Payhip store. (US shipping only at this time, sorry.)

Thank you!!


Family first.

This is how their families survived through The Great Turning and beyond. Over a hundred years since the meteor impact that changed the world, and in some ways, people haven’t changed, even if the government did. There is still greed, there is still corruption.

But there is family.

And when your family is threatened, you will do whatever it takes to protect them, at any cost.

Even if it means risking your soul in the process.

UPDATED: The Great Turning: Future Ages (The Great Turning book 3) – Now Available(ish)!
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