Scots, FTW.

Scots, FTW.

This week has shown why Scots are the masters of insults. Clearly, I need to step up my game. Insults like twat waffle and douche canoe and taint wart are no longer sufficient. Thank you, Scotland, for your contributions to our language. We salute you! (No, that’s not sarcasm, that’s genuine admiration.) I had seen … Read More

Excerpt: The Great Turning (Book 1)

This is an excerpt from my book The Great Turning (writing as Lesli Richardson). [111.2k words, science-fiction, post-apocalyptic, futuristic, dystopian, GLBTQ fiction] It’s almost one hundred years since The Great Turning, the catastrophic meteor strike that changed the world forever. Russell Owens is a recently discharged New North Americas Army sniper who only wants to … Read More

First Chapter: The Great Turning

I’m working on final edits, but here is a preview, the first chapter from The Great Turning, which is book one in the trilogy. It’s post-apocalyptic sci-fi with a MMF element to it. I’m self-pubbing it as Lesli Richardson. I don’t have a firm release date yet, but I’m hoping to get it out this … Read More

Research, research, research.

Took my son to a gun show Saturday. While I was keeping my eye out in case I found a skeet gun I wanted that was within my budget (I did not, unfortunately), even more, I wanted to explore the vast array of survivalist gear usually found at these shows. I was not disappointed. I’m … Read More