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Hey, before I talk about the pre-order, I posted a note yesterday about FeedBurner. If you get these e-mails and on the very bottom they say they’re from Google, that’s FeedBurner. I’m going to be discontinuing that because of the GDPR laws going into effect. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the MailChimp newsletter. (It’ll say MailChimp down at the bottom if you’re looking through your old emails.) I will be dropping FeedBurner by May 15, 2018.

I also sent out an e-mail to the MailChimp newsletter yesterday. Part of the GDPR is you MUST go in and tick a box under Marketing Preferences on your MailChimp subscription to explicitly opt-in, even though I already use the double opt-in process. (Yes, I know, I’m sorry, it’s a pita but it’s the new law.) If you’ve already done that–great! Thank you, you’re all set, keep reading.

If you haven’t, go into your e-mail and find an old MailChimp message I’ve sent out (or grab the next one) and on the bottom of the e-mail you’ll see a link to update your preferences. Click that, find the box next to Email under Marketing Preferences, tick it, and then click the Update Preferences button. Then you’re good.

I will be culling the list after June 1st of anyone who hasn’t done that. So if you wish to keep getting update e-mails from me, please do that right now. (Only takes a second.)

Thank you!

Now…on to the pre-order!

Now available for pre-order: For the Roses (Suncoast Society 73, MF, BDSM) writing as Tymber Dalton:

I really think you guys are going to like Wynn. He has a very strong resemblance to The Rock. 🙂


Between losing her job, surviving cancer, and her long-term Dom dumping her, Meri’s hit rock-bottom. When her Dom of a little brother unexpectedly shows up on her doorstep in St. Louis with a moving truck to bring her home with him, she’s ready to go.

Returning to Florida means reunions with old friends and getting involved with kinky locals in the Suncoast Society. Except she doesn’t expect to run into her old high-school teacher, Elvin. She definitely didn’t expect him to look so…haaawwtt.

Elvin was only a couple of years older than Meri when she was his student. Since then, he’s survived a crushing divorce and a near-fatal accident. He’s rebuilt himself inside and out and is ready to truly be himself. He never thought he’d date a former student…except Meri’s all grown up, and has way more experience in kink than he does. Now it’s time to see if Elvin can learn a few lessons of his own.

Related Books: Ron’s story (Meri’s brother) will be told in Blue Motel Room. (Coming June 18, 2018.)

You can see the entire Suncoast Society series reading order and information about the series on its page. Click Here

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Also, make sure to check out my Pre-Orders page for other books I have coming soon. And you can also take a look through my Coming Soon page. I have both my books (as Tymber and as Lesli Richardson) and Hubby’s books on there.

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Available for Pre-Order: For the Roses (Suncoast Society, MF)
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