I blogged about it today, another religious troll making the rounds, friending erotic romance authors. Yet another reason authors should be using Facebook pages and not profiles: http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/11/another-reason-why-authors-should-use.html
Heads-up, self-pubbed smut writers: Amazon’s deleting content again.
Yes, Amazon is a business, and as such is perfectly within their rights to delete content. Again, it goes to HOW they’re deciding to delete such content, without giving prior notice or without clarifying their “acceptable content” rules, that really
WARNING: Authors, blurbs can kill…your sales!
I offer this blog post up as a cautionary tale to authors. Especially to self-published authors who don’t have a publisher to tell them, “Um, NO, this is NOT a good idea.” I had to unfriend a fellow author on
Write Your Ass Off: Don’t turn your Alphas into A$$holes.
The post where I rant about “Alpha” heroes who are really assholes, and how to avoid that pitfall in your writing: http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/09/dont-turn-your-alphas-into-aholes.html
…and more research.
Just some of the books I’ve picked up over the past couple of weeks for my research for my post-apocalyptic series. Yes, I’ve found the Prime membership for Amazon has already paid for itself. LOL But to be fair, a
Research, research, research.
Took my son to a gun show Saturday. While I was keeping my eye out in case I found a skeet gun I wanted that was within my budget (I did not, unfortunately), even more, I wanted to explore the
Life imitating art: zombies and cyberthreats
Source It’s funny how life can imitate art. In my book Two Geeks and Their Girl (coming 8/2 from Siren-BookStrand) the two heroes are working on a project called Artemis, which hunts down devices hooked to the internet that aren’t properly
WriteYourAssOff.com: Contract Red Flags
I’ve got another post up at the WriteYourAssOff.com blog about contract red flags. Enjoy! Publishing Contracts: Red Flags and Warnings
Playlist for "Out of Smoke and Ashes" – Triple Trouble 5.
First of all, there’s still time to enter my giveaway if you missed the original posting yesterday. That being said, I wanted to post the playlist article I did for a feature on Siren-BookStrand’s Facebook page about Out of Smoke
Write Your Ass Off: Tuesday Topics
New post up at Write Your Ass Off, a list of various writing topics from amping up suspense to handling criticism, to dealing with backstory issues: http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/06/tuesday-topics.html
Scrivener: Labels.
I love Scrivener. Love love luuuurrrvve. Want to have its babies kind of love. When I first had to give up SuperNotecard and move to Scrivener, mid-manuscript, no less, I was dubious. I shouldn’t have worried. Scrivener has quickly won
Writing Tip: Editors – They’re not your maid, or your mommy.
The one where I rant blog about an editor’s role: Write Your Ass Off – Editors: They’re not your maid, or your mommy.
Trainwreck in the making — an author arguing with reviewers.
What NOT to do as a writer… http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/06/one-more-timedo-not-argue-with-reviewers.html Seriously, do NOT argue with reviewers. I learned this hard lesson early in my career. Believe me, it NEVER ends well, and the author in this case is not only arguing with
Writer Beware: "Review" apps?
Okay, a couple of odd emails I’ve received over the past few days now make sense. I received nearly identically worded emails from different people with requests for reviews based on reviews they’ve seen of mine on Amazon. Um, I
The great Scrivener conversion update.
I mentioned a few weeks ago I’d had to ditch my previous writing program SuperNotecard due to it totally fucking not working anymore problems with it after a Java update broke it and the programmers’ not giving a shit lack