KU info and Amazon WTFery – Reviews rejected/removed?

Two different ‘Zon topics to touch upon today, the new KU/KOLL payment structure, and the ‘Zon’s sooper-seekret sawce algorithm review removal process for…reasons? (What reasons, apparently, we’re not allowed to know.) New KU/KOLL Payment Structure Hugh Howey (as always) does a great job with going through the points: http://www.hughhowey.com/great-ku-flip-2015/ Susan Kay Quinn also dissects it: … Read More

Still More Ellora’s Cave vs. Dear Author WTFery.

I should have waited to post my last update. Since then, there was a filing that Courtney Milan (as per usual) did a great job of parsing into plain English. http://www.courtneymilan.com/ramblings/2015/02/24/motion-to-quash-gag-orders-notchilled/ Then, there was this article. http://www.vulture.com/2015/02/amazon-tina-engler-erotica.html Um, whut? I need a graphic…hold on.         No, still not quite right… Noo, not … Read More

More Ellora’s Cave vs. Dear Author crazy (IT edition).

These were posted over on Deirdre Saoirse Moen’s site: http://deirdre.net/elloras-cave-it-infrastructure-statement/ http://deirdre.net/elloras-cave-double-entry-divas-%e2%80%a2-did-anyone-save-this-video/ First of all, can I just say…whut da fuq? As Deirdre points out, running your own site involves a bit of IT knowledge above and beyond the average Interwebz user. I don’t use the same procedure or methods she uses, but I do use … Read More

The latest on the Ellora’s Cave Debacle

A couple of things to update. In the lawsuit of Ellora’s Cave against Dear Author, EC’s motion to remand back to state court was denied (and pretty much every person on the planet not affiliated with EC had figured it would be denied). As always, Courtney Milan does a great job of tl;dr’ing the ruling … Read More