Over at the Write Your Ass Off blog, I’ve got a new post about putting your descriptions on a diet. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/09/putting-descriptions-on-diet.html Enjoy! Now Available: Vulnerable (Suncoast Society 30, MM, BDSM) CLICK HERE TO READ THE FIRST CHAPTER. Description Leo
A writer’s brain…true story!
True story!
WriteYourAssOff.com – Utilizing Amazon foreign store e-book links.
Over on WriteYourAssOff.com today, I’ve posted a quick tutorial on how to easily add e-book buy links for all the Amazon stores so you don’t miss out on any sales. (Yes, I know, I’m guilty of not having all of
Updates about KU/KOLL pricing changes, Smashwords adds “assetless” pre-orders.
I contacted Amazon via e-mail about the new KU/KOLL pricing structures going into effect on 7/1/2015 to get answers to the questions I’d brought up in my first blog post on the matter. Also, keep reading after the jump to
Amazon KU and KOLL payment structure changing.
EDIT: I wrote to Amazon and actually talked to a representative on the phone to get these issues clarified. That blog post is HERE. From the “see, I told you so” files… Amazon has announced that they’re changing the payment
Authors asking for reviews: the readers speak out. (And, FYI, they HATE Goodreads.)
So I conducted a highly scientific informal poll of my Tymber’s Trybe and Facebook peeps yesterday. (And a HUGE thank you to everyone who chimed in with their opinions.) The subject was asking about authors requesting reviews from readers. Which
Kindle Arrivals, & Write Your Ass Off: Tuesday Compendium
Some new books have hit Kindle and third-party sites. (Nook is its usual slow self, plus you might need to search by title because the release dates were uploaded incorrectly as 2011 instead of 2015. Yes, I’ve already emailed my
The “secret” to making it as a writer.
What is the “secret” to making it as a writer? The sooper-dooper highly classified secret? There is no secret. That’s the secret. All the knowledge is out there. Write, edit, release, repeat. There is no gaming the system, just a
Why do we need the Oxford comma?
If you’re wondering WHY we need the Oxford comma… Last time I checked, Nelson Mandela–even when alive–was not an 800-year-old demigod who collected dildos. (Although that might have been an interesting side note to his biography if he were…)
The “magic rain room” and creativity.
I get a lot of my ideas in the shower. A. Lot. Sometimes new ideas for stories, sometimes plot snags working themselves out. I have a dive tablet and waterproof notepad for taking notes when this happens. (And thanks to
Beyond the Books L.A.B. May 22-24, 2015
(Formerly known as Writers Lab) WOOHOO! May 22-24, and registration is OPEN! http://www.beyondthebookslab.com/ If you’re looking to learn more about BDSM, this is the event to do it!
Why editing and proofreading matters…
*sigh* From the “I just can’t make this shit up” file comes this nugget, on a blurb from a New York TRADITIONAL publisher. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/11/why-proofreading-and-editing-matters.html
Writer Beware: How NOT to behave toward readers and fellow writers.
Asshat author on the internet gets pissed off when readers call her out for agreeing with a commenter who said writers and readers of dark erotica should be “kidnapped and raped.” *dropping here* 3..2..1..Go. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/11/writer-beware-how-not-to-behave-toward.html
Fun With Linguistics: Snowclones
Here’s a little something-something for my fellow writers: fun with snowclones. Oh, you know what they are, but you probably never knew what they were called. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/11/fun-with-linguistics-snowclones.html Enjoy! Tymber’s Latest Releases: His Canvas | Geek Chic | Flying Monkeys Tymber’s Hubby
How’s your NaNoWriMo going?
*Hands you a weedwhacker and a flamethrower.* How’s the NaNo project going, bunky? Feeling a little overwhelmed? Struggling? In the weeds? Stop. No, I don’t mean stop writing, I mean stop worrying. No one’s going to kill you if you