Nope, not doing NaNo this year. Too busy, unfortunately. But I posted a list of some books I truly feel are must-haves for any writer’s library over on the Write Your Ass Off blog. I’ll put up a couple more
Newbie Author Tip 2
The second installment in my series of tips for newbie authors is up at the Write Your Ass Off blog. *rawr!* And have you checked out Hubby’s book yet? 🙂 (Yes, I’m proud of him. LOL) Dancing on a
Newbie Author Tip 1
I’m starting a new series over on Write Your Ass Off for newbie authors. Tip 1 is posted.
Dear Newbie Writer: You suck…
. ..HOWEVER…Â Also, I’ve made two additions today to the article about the problems at Ellora’s Cave.
Dear Traditional Publishers: It’s literally the nose on your face.
I’m sick and tired. SICK…and…TIRED. People bitching about Amazon (aka the ‘Zon) and their market share. Trad-pubs fighting tooth and nail to keep an archaic and unsustainable business model artifically afloat despite it not being profitable. There’s a REALLY easy
Backup Basics (Or, “WAAAAAH MY DATA IS GONE!”)
At least once or twice a week, I’ll log in to Facebook or Twitter to catch either the original post or replies to same-said post, of a fellow writer (sometimes literally) crying that their manuscript is GONE. Sometimes, the computer
#justsayin #safetystartswithyou #themoreyouknow
I am the first to admit I’m NOT perfect. When the pre-order for “Monkey’s Uncle” went live yesterday, I was literally just out of the shower and trying to get ready to leave for skeet. So I didn’t even NOTICE
Interwebz outrage, writer DNA, and what does it matter?
The one where I post a Monday blant (blog+rant) over on the Write Your Ass Off blog about…well, just read it if you want. LOL Interwebz outrage, writer DNA, and what does it matter?
Want to learn about BDSM? Writers Lab is for you.
UPDATE: Registration closes Sunday, June 22, so if you’ve been holding off, it’s time to get your registration in. If you have any questions about this, you can contact the event coordinators at: [email protected] Friends of mine who run the
Writer Beware: How to research a publisher.
Silver Publishing’s epic and totally expected implosion this week is a reminder that it’s time for me to do my standard nagging PSA for newbie writers: DO. YOUR. FRAKKING. RESEARCH. BEFORE. YOU. SIGN. Where?
Warning: Don’t piss off the writer. *giggle*
My Writing Process
I was tagged by the talented Trinity Blacio, and I thought it would be fun to participate, so here goes. 1) What am I working on? Right now, edits for Triple Cross (Triple Trouble 8) and edits for Geek Chic
Write Your Ass Off: Self-publishing sh*t volcano.
I’ve got a post up on Write Your Ass Off about the “self-publishing sh*t volcano,” as Chuck Wendig calls it.
Pimp your review site/page/group.
I’m in the middle of revisions and updates to my “Pimp Yourself” social media guide. It was over three years old and needed updating. I’m working on updating the resource list as well, so here’s your chance. In the comments,