I’ve received questions about three of my older books, Fierce Radiance and Acquainted With the Night (writing as Tymber Dalton), and Cross Country Chaos (writing as Lesli Richardson). They were all Siren-BookStrand-published releases from ten years ago and older. Due to the contract age, and that they weren’t tied up with other series, I’ve got the rights back to them and am now in the process of republishing all three as Lesli Richardson. They already have brand-new covers! (Yes, I did them myself. LOL)

Fierce Radiance (Space Confederation 1) is first up! The story remains unchanged, but my writing’s changed over a decade later. Between that, and no longer having house style constraints to stick to, I’ve revised the book and rewritten sections of it. As a result, it’s now a little longer. BUT… No, you do not have to repurchase it if you don’t want to. AND… *drumroll!* It means that now, yes, I FINALLY can finish Stubborn Fates (Space Confederation 2) and publish it. As you’ve likely suspected, that will be Caz’s story. Look for it sometime next year. (I’m no longer giving hard release dates because *gestures wildly at 2020* all of THIS.)

If you don’t have Fierce Radiance, you can get it now! Please be careful, though, because the old version is still up on some third-party sites. Make sure it has the NEW cover and is listed under my Lesli Richardson pen name. And, yes, for those of you who’ve wanted it in print, I will be formatting that as well within the next couple of weeks.

Currently, it’s live on Amazon, Nook, Kobo, and Smashwords. I’ll keep updating the universal link and other buy links as it shows up on other online retailers. The other good thing about this? Now you’ll FINALLY be able to get it on Scribd, Hoopla, Overdrive, and other library services, once it finishes churning through the upload system and shows up there.

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Tragedy defined starship captain Aine Lorcan’s early life. Orphaned twice, as a result she buries herself in her work and earns her “Ice Queen” nickname. Fiercely driven and independent, the only thing to outshine that is her brilliant intellect. When she’s seriously injured crash-landing on a deserted planet during a raider attack, it’s annoyingly handsome and self-assured Act’huran commander Sammuel Jorvis who rescues her.

Sammuel and his partner, Ker, have searched to find the perfect third to complete them. At first, Aine tries to fight the attraction she feels for the smug commander before giving in to his sinfully hot brand of persuasion. When she meets Ker, it cements her growing love for the men and her feeling of belonging. But it also means leaving behind the Confederation and the only life she’s known.

When duty calls and the Confederation attempts to coax Aine back with her dream command, she wages a war of conscience. Stay with the men she’s come to love and forever abandon the commission she’s made her life’s work, or fulfill the legacy her two fathers died to help her achieve? With lives and hearts on the line, will Aine’s love burn out, or can she live up to her reputation of a Fierce Radiance?

Note: There are more books planned for this series.

Space Confederation series page:


Did you catch my latest new release?

How Many Times Do I Have to Say I’m Sorry? (Maudlin Falls 1)

Welcome to Maudlin Falls, where the people are nice, the drama is plenty, and you have to fight to keep the cat out of the peanut butter…

Let me tell you a story.

Boy meets boy.

Boy falls. Hard.

Then boy screws up. Majorly. And has to win the other boy back.

How does it end?

I’ll let you know. It’s still a work in progress.

One thing’s for certain—I never make the same mistake twice.

Sometimes, I make it three or four times.

(Warning: Features an adorable doofus with really bad luck, a snarky introvert with the world’s most badly behaved cat, annoyingly loving and pushy friends, and cringingly bad karaoke. Oh, and an HEA, if they can all get their acts together.)

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Now Available (again!): Fierce Radiance (Space Confederation 1)
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2 thoughts on “Now Available (again!): Fierce Radiance (Space Confederation 1)

  • December 7, 2020 at 3:47 pm

    This is one of my absolute favorites. In fact I just re-read it not that long ago so I’m excited to read the “new” version. Also, if you add anything to “Acquainted with the Night” that makes me cry more than I already do when I read it, I don’t know if I could handle it. It’s another of my favs and I bust it out when I need a good book cry.

    • December 8, 2020 at 10:20 am

      Aww, thank you so much!! ((HUGS)) Glad you’ve enjoyed them!

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