Acquainted With the Night

I hated the military…and now I’m an alien’s pet.

(MMMM, sci-fi/futuristic romance, m-preg, humans as aliens’ pets, M/s, angst)

Writing As: Lesli Richardson

(Originally published writing as Tymber Dalton.)

Release Date: 12/08/2020

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Audiobook: Everand


(Originally published in 2010 writing as Tymber Dalton. It has been revised and expanded for re-release.)

I hated the Terran military. I didn’t volunteer, either. Like so many others, I was drafted as cannon fodder in the senseless Terran war against the Algonquans. Not like I had much of a future ahead of me, though, without a rich family to pave my way or even pay for me to have a wife.

Now, my entire ship’s been captured. If what we’ve been told about the alien race is true, I’ll never be seen again. I hope they don’t eat me.

Turns out the truth is far different than we were led to believe. The Algonquans aren’t vicious, insectoid monsters, either.

We’re now their pampered pets…and they’re using us to help replenish their population to win the war.

You know, maybe this isn’t the worst life after all.

Old Description

Dale despised the Terran military. He was drafted, not a volunteer. He never expected to get captured by the Algonquans and sold as a breeder pet, either. He only prays his new owner is kind and doesn’t eat him. Then he meets fellow pet, Mark, who informs him getting captured was the luckiest day of their lives. Mark also hated the military and now spends his days in a life of sexual leisure, enjoying poetry and totally at peace with his fate.

Dale settles in and finds not only does he enjoy this life, he loves Mark, too. Despite tragedy striking too close to home in their protected world, they find room to love their Master’s newest pets, Cooper and Nate.

When the war ends and the Terran pets are granted their freedom, the men are faced with a choice: return, or stay with the owner they’ve grown to love?

Old Cover:

Old Cover: Acquainted With the Night
The original cover from the first version, writing as Tymber Dalton.

6 thoughts on “Acquainted With the Night

  • December 11, 2014 at 7:36 pm

    I’m glad to see your books on Audiobook. Just hope u put your book Acquainted With the Night on that list. It is my favorite of all your books. It is just breathless. thanks

  • December 19, 2015 at 12:37 pm

    I just finished your book “Acquainted With The Night”. All I can say is WOW! It took me a little while to see beyond the alien master/sex slave thing and catch on to the whole “Pet” analogy but when I did I could really identify with all the characters in the book, both masters and pets. At times I really wanted to be in the “master” role and other times the “pet” role. I love my two dogs (miniature schnauzers) so much and go out of my way to protect them and show them my love. I’m so glad you wrote this book but offer my condolences for your loss of your pets. They really are like our children and not just animals. I hope someday you can find a sequel in this! Thanks for many hours of pleasure this book gave me.

    • December 21, 2015 at 10:28 pm

      @Steven – Thank you for your kind words. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m not sure if there will ever be a sequel to it, but I never say never. LOL 🙂

  • November 21, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    Hi Ms Dalton, this book looks amazing but I can’t find it anywhere! Is it going to come back to the kindle store at some point?

    • November 21, 2020 at 5:10 pm

      Yes, keep an eye out here. Once I get the rights back, I’ll be re-releasing it. Thanks!

    • December 12, 2020 at 10:25 am

      Bella, it is now back in both e-book and print versions. Thanks! 🙂

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