
Hey, you! Yeah, you. Come here.

*Raises flap of weird huge pile of blanket-covered…stuff…to show you everyone happily coloring and reading and bopping their heads to #Hamilton inside.*

Want to join us inside? We already did OUR part and voted. That’s the only requirement, that if you’re coming in, you already voted. (If you’re in the US. Everyone else is welcome, too.) Inside the blanket fort of #Hamilton, yummy books, a special jigsaw puzzle you can do online, and adult coloring book goodness, no one’s allowed to talk politics inside the blanket fort of solitude today. It’s our mental health day.

Did I mention #freebie e-books, too?

td-falling-rocks-ss-1And, in case you missed it, Beware Falling Rocks (Suncoast Society 37, MF, BDSM) is now on Kindle and other third-party sites. (Yes, Nook is slow.)

Buy on BookStrand

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Nook | Kobo | iTunes | Google

And I had a new release on Monday, 10/31/16!

Two Against Nature (Suncoast Society 39, MF, BDSM)

td-two-nature-ss-3Holly’s severe, chronic pain from her fibromyalgia isn’t merely physical, it is emotional, too. Her brother, Louis, sits in jail, wrongly convicted of their mother’s murder. Nothing will stop Holly’s efforts to get his sentence overturned. She has put her life on hold to make it happen.

Walt has avoided the fact that he has insulated himself from moving forward because he still holds a torch for his ex, Kimbra. When he meets Holly, he knows he can help her in more ways than one—Kimbra is an attorney, and a friend. Walt is also a heavy sadist who wants to show Holly how the good kinds of pain can help her overcome the bad.

While work commences to free Louis, Walt realizes exactly how hard he has fallen for Holly. As he finds himself fighting to show her that a spoonie and a sadist can make a relationship work, will he convince her that two against nature can absolutely be perfect for each other?

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)

Check out my Suncoast Society series page to learn more and see the reading order.

Follow me after the jump to read more AND to get a sneak peek at something coming soon…

So, my Amazon affiliate code is embedded in the links. If you buy anything, I pick up a few extra pennies to help keep Gidget and the maow-maows in kibble, and it doesn’t cost you a dime.

hamiltonalbumFor starters, the soundtrack for today: #Hamilton If you have Amazon Prime, you can currently stream it for FREE. (My son has a Kindle Fire and it even displays the lyrics while playing, so even cooler.)

If you haven’t heard this music yet, it’s AMAZING. (And PBS made a documentary blending the history of the story with Lin-Manuel Miranda’s creative process about writing the show.)

Yes, that’s a future blog post, but I’ll save that for later.

And my bestie, Trish, over at Sunshine Reads, made me a cool jigsaw puzzle about…well, it’s a SURPRISE! 🙂 You’ll need to put it together to see what it’s about! (It’s a sneak peek!)

So…on to the peep pimpage!

I’m about to change your life…

(#Hamilton geeks will get that line.)

I’m focusing on my bestie Ravenna Tate today because…well, BESTIE, duh. LOL And because a lot of you are like me and want to be able to TOTALLY binge read. She’s got a LOT of books out as Tara Rose, Ravenna Tate, and a few as Carolyn Rosewood.

Ravenna Tate’s Amazon Page

Tara Rose’s Amazon Page

Carolyn Rosewood’s Amazon Page

She writes in a variety of genres, including BDSM, shifters, and more! Right now, the first book in her Blood Moon Lynx shifter series, The Alpha’s Taboo Mate, is discounted on Amazon for only .99!

51mle3w0nblThen there’s her Weathermen series. YUM! (And it’s 12 books!)

An Appetite for Blackmail (The Weathermen, Book 1)

Yes, it’s as good as it sounds!

As Tara Rose, she’s got several series, so I’ll list some of the first books and you can follow up on the rest. (WORTH. IT!) Check out the links I posted for her pen names to find the rest.

No I’m not just saying that as her bestie, I’m saying that as a voracious reader!

Seducing Carma (Passion Peak, Colorado 1)

There’s a new Sin in Town (Sin Hospital 1)

Behind Blue Eyes (The Doms of Sybaris Cove 1)

Abigail’s Acquiescence (Portraits of Submission 1)

And she has a LOT more than that. That will get you started, heat your Kindle up, and give you plenty to distract you from the news today. LOL


Don’t throw away your shot to get these books! (#moreHamiltongeekeryjustLISTENtoit!)

Remember, I make no assertions to the quality of these books, except they were free as of when I posted them. Check the price before you one-click!

Cowboy Seasons (box set)

The Honeymoon Prize

Getting Worked Up

Devil’s Lake

Southern Spirits

Sex, Lies, and Sweet Tea

Enjoy your day in our blanket fort! 🙂 No partisan politics allowed today. It’s time for us to take a deep breath and chill out until we find out the results.


Latest Releases and Coming Soon

If you create an account at BookStrand and go to my author page there, they’ll send you an e-mail alert when my books are available there for pre-order! 🙂

And you can check out my releases on Amazon writing as Tymber Dalton or Lesli Richardson.

Thanks! 🙂

#FreebieAlert 11/08/2016 – Election Day, Blanket Fort, #Hamilton Edition
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6 thoughts on “#FreebieAlert 11/08/2016 – Election Day, Blanket Fort, #Hamilton Edition

  • November 8, 2016 at 10:40 am

    I’m here to color too. All do everything voting and getting my freebies, thanks Tymber

    • November 8, 2016 at 10:45 am

      @Debbie – Welcome! 🙂 Enjoy and get comfy!

  • November 8, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    I voted and did my chores. Now I’m gonna hide and color in my Brave coloring book because Merida kicks a$$.

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