Jack's my favorite Joker.
Jack’s my favorite Joker.

*Despite Hubby and Sir’s and several friends’ best efforts, Tymber chews through her straitjacket straps, logs into website, and flashes manic Xanaxed grin*

Did something happen last week?

*cue crazed Joker giggling*

Nothing? Nothing at all?


Seriously, it’s only been the Hamilton soundtrack that’s kept me remotely sane this past week. (http://amzn.to/2fPrQ3i)

Honestly, all kidding aside, I’m scared. I’m literally scared. For myself, for my friends, and for a lot of things. Right now, I’m trying to reserve my #spoons. I was able to spend parts of last weekend at a fetish leather event and desperately needed the positive, upbeat, funny, brilliant, and loving energy there. Most of the people there were leather, a majority of them in the LGBTQ community, and it helped ground and center me.

Until I can formulate a post that isn’t mostly composed of swear words, here are some freebies and some peep pimpage to help you take your mind off the world today.

I still have bills to pay, and no way in hell am I going to stop writing. (I can’t. Even if I could physically work retail, they require, ya know, wearing pants and not acting feral toward customers. Rat bastards.) And if you read my books, you know I write a lot of LGBTQ books.

Don’t expect that to stop anytime soon.

So here are some new releases, and after the jump some freebies and peep pimpage. (My Amazon associate code is embedded in those links because if you buy something, I make a few extra pennies and it doesn’t cost you a dime.)

I also had more books hit in print (yay) from my publisher.

Latest Releases

td-falling-rocks-ss-1In case you missed it, Beware Falling Rocks (Suncoast Society 37, MF, BDSM) is now on Kindle and other third-party sites.

Buy on BookStrand

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And I had a new release on Monday, 10/31/16!

Two Against Nature (Suncoast Society 39, MF, BDSM)


td-two-nature-ss-3Holly’s severe, chronic pain from her fibromyalgia isn’t merely physical, it is emotional, too. Her brother, Louis, sits in jail, wrongly convicted of their mother’s murder. Nothing will stop Holly’s efforts to get his sentence overturned. She has put her life on hold to make it happen.

Walt has avoided the fact that he has insulated himself from moving forward because he still holds a torch for his ex, Kimbra. When he meets Holly, he knows he can help her in more ways than one—Kimbra is an attorney, and a friend. Walt is also a heavy sadist who wants to show Holly how the good kinds of pain can help her overcome the bad.

While work commences to free Louis, Walt realizes exactly how hard he has fallen for Holly. As he finds himself fighting to show her that a spoonie and a sadist can make a relationship work, will he convince her that two against nature can absolutely be perfect for each other?

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)

Check out my Suncoast Society series page to learn more and see the reading order.

Coming Soon

  • Home at Last (Suncoast Society 40, MM, BDSM): 12/05/2016
  • A Kinkmas Carol (Suncoast Society 41, various, BDSM – Yes, a Kaden book. No, tissues are NOT included.): 12/23/2016
  • Ask DNA (Suncoast Society 42, MFM, BDSM): 01/09/2017
  • Time Out of Mind (Suncoast Society 43, MM, BDSM): Feb. 2017

Follow my author page on BookStrand to never miss a new release there!

And my bestie, Trish, over at Sunshine Reads, made me a cool jigsaw puzzle about…well, it’s a SURPRISE! 🙂 You’ll need to put it together to see what it’s about! (It’s a sneak peek!)


New books in print!

And now…on to the freebies! 🙂

Remember to check the price of the freebies before you one-click. I make no assurances to the quality of the books, only that they are free as of when I posted them.

Not-Freebies & Peep Pimpage


I also have a spreadsheet of clickable buy links for all my books under all my pen names (and Hubby’s) and all the legal purchase links in various formats (e-book, audio, and print).

Spreadsheet of Buy Links

Thanks, and happy reading! 🙂

#FreebieAlert 11/16/2016 – Chewed through my restraints edition and some #PeepPimpage
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6 thoughts on “#FreebieAlert 11/16/2016 – Chewed through my restraints edition and some #PeepPimpage

  • November 16, 2016 at 11:02 am

    Make room in the boat. There has not been a day since this disaster that I have not woken up afraid.

  • November 16, 2016 at 2:50 pm

    My hubby has made our home a no-news programming zone. I have resorted to viewing the recorded PBS NewsHour late at night while he is asleep. We are currently in the high desert of SoCal and, although I am certain that there plenty of Trump supporters here, we are somewhat insolated from them. We worry for those who aren’t insulated from the hate and potential violence and I worry for our country as a whole (in fact for the world, too, as this push to the political and social right is a worldwide phenomenon).

    I worry about how the Trump supporters’ children are absorbing the frak-everyone-who-isn’t-just-like-me attitudes of their parents. I worry about the rationality-gap of those who voted for Trump/Stein/Johnson or didn’t vote because they “just don’t like Hillary” (and let’s not forget the inherent sexism in that rationale).

    I worry about what will happen when the Trumpers realize that they’ve been sold a bag of goods and aren’t going to get back their good solid manufacturing and coal producing jobs. I worry when they realize there’s not going to be a wall and that, for the most part, “illegal immigrants” are not responsible for their declining living standards. I worry what will happen to our friends who are in LGBTQ and racial/cultural/religious minorities. I worry what will happen when they realize that “free trade” is not the bugaboo they’ve been led to believe.

    I too am worried and am frightened for us all.

  • November 16, 2016 at 7:04 pm

    You aren’t alone. I literally had to spend part of last week in a drugged haze because I couldn’t break free from a nasty panic attack. Hubby banned me from the news. Probably a good decision.

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