Available for Pre-Order: Open Doors (Suncoast Society)
Did you ever wonder how the BDSM club Venture got its start? Now you can find out. Open Doors (Suncoast Society 27) is now available for pre-order: Derrick didn’t set out to open a BDSM club—it was a labor
First Chapter: Hot Sauce (Suncoast Society)
This is the first chapter for Hot Sauce (Suncoast Society 26, MMF, BDSM). Now Available: Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you
Review: Out of the Spotlight (Suncoast Society)
I received a great review for Out of the Spotlight (Suncoast Society 23, MMF, BDSM) by Shh Moms Reading: The blurb for this one grabbed me the minute it was released! And Ms. Dalton did not disappoint. I loved that
Now on Kindle: Vicious Carousel (Suncoast Society, MMF)
The latest book to hit Kindle (meaning other third-party sites will follow soon) is Vicious Carousel (Suncoast Society 25, MMF, BDSM). This book picks up where Friends Like These leaves off and follows what happens when Nolan and Kenny leave
First Chapter: Vicious Carousel (Suncoast Society)
This is the first chapter of Vicious Carousel (Suncoast Society 25, MMF, BDSM). The book picks up where Friends Like These ends, following Nolan and Kenny after they leave the party. Buy Links: Now Available! Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK)
First Chapter: Out of the Spotlight (Suncoast Society, MMF)
This is the first chapter to Out of the Spotlight (Suncoast Society 23, MMF, BDSM). It’s now available at BookStrand and all the usual third-party outlets. Buy Links: Now Available! Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) Nook | Kobo | Google
Freebie Alert 7/5/2015
Sorry, it’s been a crazy few weeks. Here is some info to help me pay the bills, then the freebies, and some not-freebies, for your perusal, after the jump. Remember to verify the price of the freebies before you one-click, they
KU info and Amazon WTFery – Reviews rejected/removed?
Two different ‘Zon topics to touch upon today, the new KU/KOLL payment structure, and the ‘Zon’s sooper-seekret sawce algorithm review removal process for…reasons? (What reasons, apparently, we’re not allowed to know.) New KU/KOLL Payment Structure Hugh Howey (as always) does
Breaking News: Shocker (not) the Ellora’s Cave site is down.
Since yesterday (6/30/2015) the Ellora’s Cave site as been “under construction.” According to a post on their Facebook page, there’s a new site coming. One has to wonder why they didn’t sandbox the new site and just swap it out
BookBub Deal: Love Slave for Two 5-book Collection for .99
*happy dance!* I awoke to my Love Slave for Two 5-book collection being offered on BookBub as a .99 special! 🙂 FIVE books, the whole series: You can find the deal on your e-tailer of choice through the BookBub
Audiobook: Bleacke’s Geek (Bleacke Shifters 1) now available!
Yes, I’m STILL working on final edits for A Bleacke Wind. Soon, sooooon… Meanwhile, THIS happened–the audiobook version of Bleacke’s Geek (Bleacke Shifters 1) is now available for order from Audible, Amazon, & iTunes. Woot! CLICK HERE TO READ THE
iTunes jumps on the assetless pre-order train.
On the heels of Smashwords changing how they do pre-orders (for the better, IMO) iBooks sent out e-mails yesterday to people with publisher accounts. This is the one I received. Hi Lesli, We’ve added a few features and updates to iBooks
Now on Kindle: Friends Like These (Suncoast Society)
Friends Like These (Suncoast Society 24) is now available on Kindle, meaning it’s coming soon to other third-party outlets: Now Available Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) Kobo Description What do sex-doll pool floats, binder clips, and baby bottles have in
Monday Funny: Jurassic Weenie
No, not THAT kind of weenie. And this is work- and kid-safe, too.