A few third-party updates to give you. 🙂 His Canvas (Suncoast Society 10) is now available on Kindle. That means it’ll be hitting other third-party outlets soon. Click to buy from BookStrand Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) (Nook, Kobo, Google,
Release Day: A Lovely Shade of Ouch (Suncoast Society)
Woot! It’s release day for A Lovely Shade of Ouch (Suncoast Society 11, MF, BDSM). This is Gilo and Abbey’s book. We briefly met Abbey at the end of His Canvas. She’s Tilly’s friend. Gilo is the SAM who gets
Hubby’s new book: Candy Cane Kisses (as Haley Jordan)
Hubby LOVES sweet romances. (Me, I’m a dirrrrty girl. LOL) But he wrote one (yes, I’m biased that it’s good, he’s my Hubby, duh LOL) and we finally got it published despite electronic gremlins driving me bugcrap crazy today. Candy
Join me at the Smutketeers today!
Come visit the Smutketeers’ X-Mas party today, where you can learn who I’d like to be snowbound with in a cabin. LOL http://www.smutketeers.com/2014/12/12/twelve-days-of-x-mas-day-four/
Wacky Wednesday.
I just…I can’t… I have no… *throws hands up in the air, drops this, and walks away* (Click here if the video doesn’t show.)
Smutketeers: 12 Days of X-mas Celebration!
Make sure to visit the Smutketeers and their 12 Days of Christmas party. (I’ll be one of the featured authors and having a little giveaway… 🙂 ) http://www.smutketeers.com/
Kindle Unlimited – A great idea, but…
When Kindle Unlimited was unveiled, it initially looked like a great idea. But now, several months later, it’s clearly not the boon many self-published writers initially thought it would be. Nor is it a reader’s paradise. It didn’t take long
Christmas Short – Doggy Tales, Vol. 1
Looking for a quick, sexy holiday read? My backlist title Doggy Tales, Vol. 1 has a short shifter Christmas tale (tail? LOL) in it. I do have plans to write more stories set in this particular shifter world (which is different
Dancing Under the Mistletoe now (sort of!) available!
Because some of the third-party sites are slooooooow…I’ve got Hubby’s Wolf Mallory short mystery Dancing Under the Mistletoe uploaded to most of them (will tackle Smashwords and Google tomorrow). Now it’s just waiting for them to all go live. It’s technically book
Review: A Roll of the Dice (Suncoast Society)
What a great way to start a Monday, with a wonderful review from Shh! Mom’s Reading for A Roll of the Dice (Suncoast Society 9): http://shhmomsreading.com/review-a-roll-of-the-dice-suncoast-society-9-by-tymber-dalton/ I truly felt the tension build between this couple and it felt so real
Coming Soon – December Edition.
So what’s new? Oh, lots of stuff. Yes, I’m still working on the Drunk Monkeys. I’m finishing up books 7-10 so I can submit them all at the same time. And book 8 of the Triple Trouble series is in
A date which will live…in infamy.
I find it shameful there seems to be ZERO mention of the importance of this date on CNN.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Pearl_Harbor_Remembrance_Day http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infamy_Speech
#homeimprovement hell – (part 2) Well, it’s sort of done…
Apparently there will be a part 3… Last night, at the weekly Wednesday dinner out with my parents and a variety of other people (the roster fluctuates depending on who’s there) Hubby and I were sitting at one end with
Available for pre-order: A Lovely Shade of Ouch (Suncoast Society)
Woot! Surprise! LOL Apparently the release date for A Lovely Shade of Ouch (Suncoast Society 11) was bumped up and I missed it. It’s now releasing 12/15, a week sooner than I thought. And it went up for pre-order today!
#homeimprovementhell – It’s HOW old? (part 1)
(Just in case you thought an author’s life was glamorous…NOT.) Nothing like waking up on a MONDAY before you’ve even finished your first cup of coffee, no less, to realize your house’s ONLY toilet is LEAKING. Oh, from the BOTTOM.