s-td-ss-lovelyshadeofouch3Woot! It’s release day for A Lovely Shade of Ouch (Suncoast Society 11, MF, BDSM). This is Gilo and Abbey’s book. We briefly met Abbey at the end of His Canvas. She’s Tilly’s friend.

Gilo is the SAM who gets Tilly’s goat at the collaring ceremonies. 🙂 He’s more than you think… Way more.

Click Here to Purchase


Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App (Includes FREE books!)


Abbey Rockland’s life goes from bad to worse when she learns she needs back surgery the same day her long-term boyfriend dumps her, making her homeless. She can barely get around, much less move. Her friends express their concerns when she accepts Gilo’s offer to let her and her beloved pet tortoise, George, move in with him.

John Gilomen admits focusing on Abbey is a way to avoid dealing with his grief over his best friend’s death, but Abbey’s a nice woman. His unrepentant SAM act at the BDSM club isn’t the real him, just a way to blow off stress. He’s always held feelings for Abbey, and he won’t screw up his chance to finally show her.

But when life-threatening complications arise, John steps in and takes charge. Now Abbey has to decide what’s more important—what everyone else thinks, or what her heart tells her about the man whose Dominant side only she has seen.

Tymber’s Latest Releases:
A Lovely Shade of Ouch | His Canvas
Geek Chic | Flying Monkeys

Tymber’s Hubby Has a Couple of Books!

Release Day: A Lovely Shade of Ouch (Suncoast Society)
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7 thoughts on “Release Day: A Lovely Shade of Ouch (Suncoast Society)

  • December 15, 2014 at 12:39 pm

    So excited! Love the Suncoast books. Also LOVE the Good Will Haunting books. I finished those a couple of weeks ago and can not get them out of my head. Will you be writing more? Soon?

  • December 15, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    I read this last night – loved it as I have loved all the Suncoast series. The dynamic was certainly different – but as I believe everyone has the right to determine their relationship structure/boundaries based on mutual respect and love then that was okay with me. As someone who has had back pain and issues, where the pain was so bad I wanted to knock myself unconscious prior to two surgeries which carried great risk – but fortunately due to the best surgeon I was okay and eventually healed to have 30+ years after surgery pain free and a great life. You dealt with that really well. I was interested that you covered Abby’s fear in the recovery room – I didn’t realise other’s had fears similar to mine and my hubby just “had” to be by my side in the recovery room so I knew everything was okay. Just love the HEA ending! Once again Tymber, you rocked it and I have to have patience for the other titles to be released soon. Thankyou!

    • December 17, 2014 at 12:24 pm

      @Vanessa – Thank you! 🙂 The switching dynamic was based on myself and Sir. 🙂 And the pain…well, that WAS me when I had back surgery about 14 years ago. I literally woke up screaming in the recovery room and they had to bring Hubby back to calm me. (Just weeks earlier, there was a male nurse arrested at that hospital for molesting female patients.) The nurses said they’d never seen anything like it. LOL

  • December 17, 2014 at 12:17 pm

    Sorry to be a nudge here, but when are you going to get back to the Drunk Monkeys?


    • December 17, 2014 at 12:21 pm

      @Gabriel – I’m working on the last four books in the series. I plan to submit them all to Siren at once so they can be released closer together. 🙂

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