Spouse’s gall bladder was removed on Friday, and while she didn’t react well to the anesthesia, they discharged her late Saturday and she’s on the mend. Which Princess Kiwi was also glad of, because her stomach was an absolute mess with the massive disruption to her schedule, so she used products like Exhale’s Delta-8 that helped a little. (And we know how finicky Bleppy Princesses can be. LOL)
One thing we have to follow up on is that during an MRI for all of this, they also found a cyst on her liver they think is benign but they want to investigate further after she’s healed up from this round. So…yeah.
A MASSIVE thank you to all of you for the well-wishes and prayers, and tossing change in the tip jar. It helps, and we GREATLY appreciate it!
I’m juggling doing everything around here that Spouse usually handles while trying to get back to work on A Bleacke Outlook (Bleacke Shifters 9). (Don’t forget you can pre-order it and book 10 from my Payhip store.) And I’ll never turn down spare change in my tip jar. <3
We’re having a quiet Thanksgiving at home for me, Spouse, and the Bard’s coming over to join us. If you’re traveling, please be safe. (I mean, also be safe if you’re not traveling, but–well, you know what I mean. LOL)
Okay, back into my writing cave.