Spouse health update.

Spouse health update.

Spouse’s gall bladder was removed on Friday, and while she didn’t react well to the anesthesia, they discharged her late Saturday and she’s on the mend. Which Princess Kiwi was also glad of, because her stomach was an absolute mess with the massive disruption to her schedule, so she used products like Exhale’s Delta-8 that … Read More

Cancel the order for the ark…

Well. We had some friggin’ crazy weather here last week and on Monday. Rain literally the likes of which I’ve NEVER seen in my life here. And keep in mind, I was RAISED here. We had flooding in our yard and in the ditches over the road that I’ve never seen before. The Tampa Bay … Read More

If I had a superpower…

This random thought is prompted by a picture someone posted in the Trybe. That’s not the superpower I’d want. I want something…different. I’d want the ability to point at someone (or a group of people) and make them spontaneously orgasm. Hear me out. Think of how it would stop wars? Fighting while jizzing one’s pants? … Read More

Handling David Bowie’s balls…

…no, not THOSE balls, you dirty pervs. I have a T-shirt from ThinkGeek.com that says “The Babe With the Power” on it. Which prompted a long-overdue Labyrinth rewatch. (Well, a first-time watch for Hubby, who didn’t get the reference on my T-shirt.) And then that led me to this. What the hell did we do before … Read More

TGIF and recap.

It’s Friday, I’m scrambling on deadline, and… *sigh* Here’s a recap of recent posts. ((HUGS)) and have a happy and safe Friday, peeps. Clean Reader app update What. The. Actual. Fark. (re: Clean Reader app) Now for something a little lighter… Grr. Ready the pitchforks… Available for Pre-Order: Chains (Suncoast Society) Third-Party, Print, & Audiobook … Read More

Welcome to spring…not.

Oh, the first day of spring! Joy!… NOT. Remember how I was bitching how cold I was a few weeks back? Guess what DIED this morning. (That’ll teach me to not be more grateful when the weather warmed up.) The main A/C unit that cools the bulk of the house. *head/desk* The lowest fan speed … Read More