Firstly — I have a Bleacke Shifters short in the Smut Lovers: The Conference charity anthology! Clicky-clicky!

I know I’ve been quiet lately, but you know that means I’m up to my eyeballs in work. Not only on the next two Bleacke Shifters books (which I actually think will end up being 3 because they’re ginormous) but on the website overhaul for the membership side of things.

Did you know you can join for FREEEE and there’s lots of content already up there?

That also includes some content by my previously secret pen names, and Spouse’s books. I haven’t started the paid tiers yet because I’m still uploading content and converting pages over.

Quick additions to my merch store: two new MYODB T-shirts! One for “cat ladies” and one without the kitty ears and whiskers:

And they’re available in other shirt and merch styles. I’m trying to teach myself Adobe Illustrator and improve my Photoshop skills and had some fun. 🙂

Okay. That’s out of the way – I have made progress in getting some of my books that I have full rights to back into e-book format (and even new print in some cases):

I have a few more I’m working on.

And yes, it’s not your imagination that those book pages look…DIFFERENT! That’s because I’m converting every one of them over to the new system so I can offer online reading options on them to readers at some point (if not already). And I like how the pages look tidier.

And why yes, those ARE new covers on them! (Made by yours truly.)

And those new page styles are one of the reason why this overhaul takes so long, because not only do I have to build each new page, and populate the links, but I also have to manually add redirection to the new pages so that there won’t be any broken links all over the place. UGH. But, yay once it’s done, it’ll be DONE. (And I have around 300 titles I have to do this with and I’m not even halfway yet.)

Our big through-the-wall AC unit that I’ve been trying to nurse along for the better part of 2 years now finally took its final dump. I am blessed with THE best readers in the world, however, because angels in my Facebook group volunteered to help and bought me the new A/C unit and sleeve.

I’m also preparing for Smut Lovers: The Conference in just a couple of weeks in Orlando. (Spoiler Alert: I am NOT prepared. LOL)

I’m still not back to where I was before the pneumonia and that…is difficult. I’ve been so used to dealing with chronic pain and just pushing through it, and with pulmonary issues that isn’t an option. I have a follow up with the pulmonologist in October to see how my lungs are doing.

So that’s what’s new with me. What are you up to this weekend?

OH! Use coupon code LaborDay2024 over on current ebooks on my store and save 15%! It’s good until Monday night:

Summer’s end — back in ebook, new in print, and more news.
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