
Other than some stray links, the website migration is complete. Please subscribe to the Feedburner subscription (don’t forget to look for the confirmation email they send you or it won’t get activated) if you’d like to receive updates when I post new content to the website. Or, if you’re a WordPress user, I have a … Read More

Latest Updates…

Wow, it’s been a crazy few weeks around Chez Dalton. Good crazy, but still crazy. (Eh, crazier.) I moved my entire backlist of previously released books over to Siren-BookStrand once the contracts expired and the rights were returned to me, and we’ve been in an edit/release cycle. Add to that I’ve been playing catch-up like … Read More

Mixed blessings.

Well, the good news is, my doctor called me and told me that one of the biopsies was clear. The other showed “mild dysplasia,” but not as severe as the biopsy results from last year. So she wants to see me in six months to follow up. Haven’t heard back on my mammogram yet. Not … Read More

Happy Sunday!

See? I told you having the websites and blogs merged would allow me to update more frequently. LOL Today’s agenda includes morning working on the Triple Trouble bridge book. This afternoon, I have some errands to run with Sir, we’re meeting up with a friend to go look at possible outdoor pony/puppy play venues for … Read More

Still alive.

Sorry I’ve been so quiet. We’ve got a new kitten, and I’m battling a sinus infection. Not fun. (Well, the kitten is cute, but one of his nicknames is now “Senor Nasty.” LOL) A HUGE thank you to everyone who’s bought “Stoneface.” It’s currently up to #7 on Siren’s bestselling list, and getting great ratings … Read More