Coming Soon | Pre-Orders | Series Info You’ve probably been hearing about #cockygate the past couple of weeks and might be wondering WTF is that? Long story short: A fairly newbie writer (Faleena Hopkins) decided she was going to trademark a common
Call the CDC – there’s a viral case of the stupids running amok.
There are way too many stupid people on the Interwebz today. Either that, or Mercury going direct again has warped everyone. Apparently, someone tasered book- and romland this week, because there’s a pretty rampant viral case of the stupids making
Writer Beware: *sigh* Badly Behaving Authors – WTF edition.
Gather around close, kiddies. It’s time for Auntie Tymber to tell you another scary tale of *DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNN* Badly Behaving Authors!