I’m sick and tired. SICK…and…TIRED. People bitching about Amazon (aka the ‘Zon) and their market share. Trad-pubs fighting tooth and nail to keep an archaic and unsustainable business model artifically afloat despite it not being profitable. There’s a REALLY easy
Warning: Driver’s License Ranty-Pants Blant
It is, no shit, easier to obtain a concealed carry permit in Florida than to renew your driver’s license, if you don’t have a passport and haven’t renewed your license since 2010. Guess what I had to do today? Guess
Fargo Episode 1 – my blant.
*Spoiler Alert* You have been warned thusly, and so begins my blant (blog+rant). It’s taken me a week to process how I feel about episode one of Fargo (on FX, episode two is on tonight). Yes, I realize it’s not
Interwebz outrage, writer DNA, and what does it matter?
The one where I post a Monday blant (blog+rant) over on the Write Your Ass Off blog about…well, just read it if you want. LOL Interwebz outrage, writer DNA, and what does it matter?