Random contest time: Favorite holiday movie?

EDIT (12/20/12): Winner!! Congratulations to MJΒ on winning the $10 in Strandbucks! πŸ™‚ Please contact me via email at tymberdalton AT gmail.com and let me know what email address to send the code to! —– Okay, it’s time for another random contest. Today, you’re playing for a chance to win $10 in Strandbucks (usable at Siren-BookStrand). … Read More

Another random contest: Oddest holiday dinner?

In keeping with the spirit of the season, and since the other contest was so popular, I’m running another random contest… What (or where) was your oddest Christmas/holiday dinner? Did you end up eating cold Spam out of the can in an airport terminal? Fried squirrel in a canoe? Let ’em rip. This time, I’ll … Read More

Newsletter contest coming soon…

I know some of you subscribe to the Feedburner emails that let you know when I’ve updated the website, but are you also a member of my newsletter? If not, you’ll want to be. I’m going to be running a contest soon only for the members of my newsletter. Subscribe to TymberDalton_updates Powered by us.groups.yahoo.com … Read More

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!

Sorry I was late picking the winners for the amigurumis, but skeet ran late last night and had to clean our living room carpet (don’t ask). The winners are: *DRUMROLL*…. The four winners, as picked by random.org, are… RoseRavenSandra (anyonymous)Stacy WilsonKasey Dean Congratulations!!! πŸ™‚ Y’all have until Sunday night to get with me to claim … Read More

Contest! And release day! :)

Woot! Today is release day for “Porpoiseful Intent,” the second book in my Placida Pod series. You know what that means, right? http://www.bookstrand.com/porpoiseful-intent (And if you missed book one, “Accidentally on Porpoise,” you can also get that from Siren-BookStrand HERE.) CONTEST! πŸ™‚ I posted a pic yesterday of the amigurumi alligator version I made of … Read More

Blessed Samhain! And what are you reading? (Contest)

Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween, peeps. πŸ™‚ Stay safe, keep the kiddies safe, and make sure your furbabies are safe as well. (Keep them away from chocolate! It’s poisonous to furbabies!) I’m also celebrating that Spider Bight (DSMC 3), which released on Monday, is already at #7 on Siren’s menage bestseller list. Woot! And thank … Read More

Contest time!

Whew, I’m still recovering from my weekend in Dallas at TRC2012! πŸ™‚ Had a blast rooming with buddy Cooper McKenzie. And I’ve got plenty of goodies still to give away! Now that I’m home, I can run contests for my peeps who couldn’t make it there. Head over to my Facebook page to take part … Read More

Random contest time!

Yes, start screaming now, it’s contest time! LOL You know I love to throw random contests out there. So everyone who comments on this post — HERE on the Blogger post, not on my Facebook wall — (and please make sure it’s not anonymously so I can pick a winner) will be eligible to win … Read More

Friday night instant contest!

Okay, the first person to respond n the comments with the correct answer will win their choice of one of my e-books. Question: It’s 9:40 pm eastern time, Friday night, I’m in the United States, and I have cable. Wild hair, human DNA, and Adam and Eve. What TV show am I watching right now? … Read More

Random Contest Time: What are you reading?

UPDATE: Thursday, 4/26 Thanks everyone for playing! And the winner as determined by a random number generator is…*drumroll*…mrs z!Please e-mail me at tymberdalton AT gmail.com with your choice of e-book and format (only my currently available ones, sorry LOL).Thanks!! πŸ™‚ — Time for a random contest. πŸ™‚ All you have to do is comment — … Read More

And the winner of the Sony e-reader is…

Thanks to everyone for participating in the contest for the Sony e-reader! And the winner is… The Heimster! Congratulations, and please contact me within seven days with your information so I can get this sent to you. Thank you!! πŸ™‚

New release, what are you reading, etc.

(Don’t forget about the contest!) I decided to bite the bullet and self-publish a set of eight short stories I’ve had floating around on my hard drive for years. They weren’t really anything I had a home for, so I thought why not. The collection is called “Of Boardwalks and Bison” and I’ve published it … Read More