…where chronic pain-induced nausea becomes everyday life. :/ Behold my two best buddies this time of year. #fibromyalgiasucks
More Frankensteining my #fibromyalgia – Magnesium Oil
Yay, it’s Fibromyalgia Friday, #FreebieAlert and other randomness.
Appointment with my GP yesterday. Last week, appointment with the cardiologist. The cardiologist upped the meds to twice a day instead of once a day since they seem to be helping the symptoms I was having. Symptoms they cannot tell
Fibromyalgia, Fitbit, geekery, and why I canceled my Weight Watchers membership.
This will come as like zero shock to regular readers of this blog, but I am an unrepentant geek, especially when it comes to things like gadgets. Specifically, gadgets that will in some way simplify my life. No, I won’t
Fibromyalgia, magnesium supplements, cardiologist quandary, and still looking for answers.
This is rambling, so feel free to ignore it if you want. I’m trying to get this out there for my own benefit (so I can remember it all) and in case it helps anyone, or anyone has any tips
Something weird in the air?
A quick informal poll of my Facebook peeps has them agreeing that it’s not just me. There’s just a weird energy today I can’t put my finger on. Not bad, just…weird. I’m hoping my latest flare (which has been torturing
The glamorous life of a writer…not.
So you think being a writer is all about the fun stuff, right? (Ha!) For most of us, it’s more because we’re driven to write. In my case, not only am I driven to write, I have to because it’s