Time for another mash-up of things I’ve gleaned from the interwebs (other than pictures of cats). Great article at the Writer Beware blog about when to refuse a contract (complete with reference links): http://accrispin.blogspot.com/2012/11/guest-blog-post-mustering-courage-to.html A couple of great articles from LiveScience
A modest proposal: one possible option for booksellers.
I had an idea yesterday morning and was discussing it with Hubby while we were out hiking. There are a few indisputable facts about the publishing world today that only someone with their head firmly and irretrievably up their ass
Writing How-To: Promo on the Cheap
I know I’ve harped on promotion before, but it can be overwhelming for an author, especially a new one, to effectively do it. There are so many avenues out there, free and that will cost you, that it’s mind-numbing to
Nose-thumbers, beware!
I’ve long espoused the benefits of indie publishing (heavy emphasis on e-publishing) in this blog. Yes, I’m biased. Yes, I used to be one of “those” writers who insisted I’d never “settle” because I wanted to publish a “real” book
Open Letter to NY Publishers
(The article prompting this letter can be found here.) Okay, Simon and Schuster and Hachette, seriously, WTF? You are going to delay the release of ebooks for months after hardcover…why? “…Preserve your industry?” Seriously? Okay, let me explain some basic