Happy Monday! LOL (NWS)

*warning, The Walking Dead spoilers, and not work-safe* Well Daryl’s still alive, and Porch Dick is dead, so YAY! But I found a great video yesterday that’s hysterical: LATEST RELEASES: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest Posts

Monday Funny: Slow-speed Tortoise Pursuit

This is absolutely adorable. I know the tortoise is REALLY upset, but…come on, it’s funny. I’d probably be chasing someone who interrupted my fun time, too. I’m sure Sheldon the Wonder Minun would approve of this chase. LOL (Click here if the video doesn’t show for you.) LATEST RELEASES: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest … Read More

I Am Woman.

This is from Facebook, so if you can’t see it, you might have to log in. (I tried to find the video on YouTube to post that but couldn’t.) This is a great rendition of “I Am Woman.” It always sends chills through me when I hear it. I LOVE this song. The direct link … Read More

Wacky Wednesday: Cat Edition

Never give up! Never surrender! You shrunk my box! (I’m guessing that’s what this kitty would be saying. LOL (Click here if you can’t see the video.) In case you missed it, Things Made Right (Suncoast Society 16, mf, BDSM) went on pre-order Monday. It’s Ross and Loren’s story, and fills in what we learned … Read More

Tuesday Funny

While I recover from the fangirl Muppet flailing over the fact that THE Wil Wheaton tweeted me back this morning *faints!* here’s a funny 50 Shades trailer for you. (Personally, this is a movie I WOULD pay to see…) (50 Shades of Buscemi Trailer.)   LATEST RELEASES: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest Posts

Wacky Wednesday.

I just…I can’t… I have no… *throws hands up in the air, drops this, and walks away* (Click here if the video doesn’t show.)