Howl-oween Smiles

Seriously, if this video doesn’t make you at least smile, then I don’t know what do to for ya. Enjoy, and Happy Howl-oween! (Click here if the video doesn’t show.) Latest Releases: Geek Chic (Bleacke Shifters 2) Flying Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 6) Dancing on a Tightrope (Hubby’s book)

Cats and Dogs: Ball pit edition

There are fundamental differences in cats and dogs–having both, I love them both–and nowhere is this more evident than when you make the comparison about how they approach life. My evidence: Exhibit A: Young husky (with a cone of shame, I might add) in a ball pit. Exhibit B: Pug in a ball pit.

Whatever… *snork*

I think someone’s been spying on some of the past blow-ups Sir and I have had via text. They probably looked something like this at the beginning… *LOL* (Note: Language, other than that, work-safe. Click here if the video doesn’t show up.)

Monday Mish-Mash, Music Style.

When I posted the two Meghan Trainor videos the other day, I left out another great rendition of All About That Bass, an a cappella version by group Home Free. You HAVE to see a group of country guys singing this song. Great rendition, funny, light-hearted, and still sounding phenomenal. Enjoy! 🙂 Click here if … Read More

Funky Friday Funny.

New. Favorite. Song. All About the Bass by Meghan Trainor. What a GREAT message in a fantastic song. Saw this last night on Jimmy Fallon (they did the thing with the school instruments) and LOVED it. Found the regular version. Both are linked in this post. (If the videos don’t show up in your email, … Read More

No corkscrew? No problem.

Guess this wouldn’t work on fizzy wines, but here’s something I never knew: you can open wine bottles with a shoe. Yep. Just watch. For those of you about to embark on Labor Day vacays without your corkscrew, you’re welcome. (Here’s the link if the embedded video window doesn’t open.)

Fifty Shades of Frozen

Thank the Goddess there’s someone out there with WAY too much time on their hands, because they have brought us this epic goodness. Enjoy! (Technically I guess it’s work-safe. LOL)

Do you want to drive my tractor?

*falls over laughing* *self-explanatory* (Click here if the video doesn’t show up in your email.) Don’t forget, if you’re on Facebook you can come join my readers group, Tymber’s Trybe, where we tend to get a little rowdy in the fun kind of way. 🙂

Sharknado 2 TONIGHT!

Yes, it’s time for Sharknado 2: The Second One TONIGHT on SyFy. (I still say the subtitle should have been “The Great White Way” in honor of Broadway. LOL) So, for your viewing pleasure, I present a cat in a shark outfit riding a Roomba. You’re welcome.