I offer this blog post up as a cautionary tale to authors. Especially to self-published authors who don’t have a publisher to tell them, “Um, NO, this is NOT a good idea.” I had to unfriend a fellow author on
Write Your Ass Off: Don’t turn your Alphas into A$$holes.
The post where I rant about “Alpha” heroes who are really assholes, and how to avoid that pitfall in your writing: http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/09/dont-turn-your-alphas-into-aholes.html
Of Hobbits and habits and sharks, why sometimes less is more in writing and movies.
Source I stumbled across a series of separate but related articles today that sort of helped me gel something I’ve known for a long time about similarities in writing and in movies: Sometimes, less is more. Far more. Apparently this
I went to the Dark Side. (And the cookies are nommy!)
Grimmy trying to “help.” I had a scare a few weeks back with my Toshiba Satellite laptop, where a security software update farked the boot process and for the better part of two days I was in panic mode trying
Scrivener convert…Kill. Me. Now. (Please?)
Oh, happy friggin’ April Fool’s Day, folks. Not. Why am I so grumpy, bucky? Well, those of you who follow me on a regular basis know two things. One, I’m on a pretty heavy writing schedule right now, averaging a
Just…be NICE!
Who’s in first, or third, or…?
I was having a discussion with a couple of fellow authors the other day about point-of-view (POV). By that I mean first person (the story is told from the POV of the narrator, as if in their head) versus third
And the voices speaketh…
So, good news first, looks like I have a tentative release date of Friday, May 3rd, for Many Blessings (Coffeeshop Coven 1). That’s Mandaline’s book. Book 2 (not yet titled or finished) will be Sachi’s book. Aaaand onward… I’d planned
Quick romance term primer for readers.
Brrraaaiinnzzzz…writing menage and the zombie apocalyps.
What does the zombie apocalypse of “The Walking Dead” have to do with writing menage? Nothing…and everything. Click here to read my guest blog over at the “When One is Not Enough” blog to find out what I’m talking about:
Guest Blog: Writing menage.
I’m blogging today over at the “When One Is Not Enough” blog about writing menage relationships. Please feel free to stop by and add your two cents to the comments. 🙂 Click here.
The kitchen sink…
Because I haven’t even started packing for #TRC2012 yet (yikes!) and need to do that today, I’m tossing together an assortment of interesting stuff that’s crossed my inbox in the past few days for your perusal. Might strike some the
Taking chances.
Sometimes as a writer, you have to take chances. Scratch that, you always have to take chances, because just by deciding to become a writer, you’ve already taken a pretty big chance. The whole process is about taking chances, from
Writing: Greater meaning inside? Um, suurrree…
Yeah, the picture basically says it all. *LOL* I can’t tell you how many classes I sat in during high school and college, trying to decipher meaning from a story. As a student, I often wondered if the teacher was
Guest Blog: The voices in my head say…
Why does it take so damn long sometimes for a writer to put out a new book in a series? (Or a new book, period?) I address that topic today at the “When One is Not Enough” menage authors blog: