Today’s holiday guest author is fellow Sirenista Berengaria Brown. She’s sharing a view of Christmas in warmer climes, which is a drastic contrast to what many people are used to. She’s also got a steaming hot book you might want to check out, so please show her some love.

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A Summer Christmas

It was very hot. Probably 100 degrees and not even 8 a.m. yet.

All up and down the street by the beach, the kids were playing with their new toys, watching and waiting for the fire truck. The fire truck that would bring Santa, and more wonderful gifts.

They wobbled up and down the street on their new bikes, their new inline skates, their new scooters, many watched by doting Dads who sat in lawn chairs, an ice-cold beer in their hand.

As soon as the fire truck’s siren sounded the men grabbed their kids off the road, and women and teenagers came out from the beach holiday cottages, the teens with new computer games in their hands, or music throbbing in their ear buds. The women with babies or toddlers on their hips, or hastily wiping cooking ingredients from their hands.

The fire truck turned into the street, its siren screaming, but traveling at walking pace. On the back of the truck was Santa, his face sweating in his hot red suit, throwing candy and a gift to every child. Two firemen, in uniform, walked behind the truck handing out little packets of candy and presents to the mothers of small children.

No child was overlooked. Everyone had a special nod or smile from The Man himself.

And the joy in their eyes was more than adequate repayment for giving up a holiday to swelter in a hot costume, instead of sitting on the beach and hoping for a cooling breeze off the ocean.

It was such a different sight and experience from snow, and a hot fire, and kids with new toboggans or indoor games. But the Christmas spirit was identical. Peace on earth, and good will to all people everywhere.

Berengaria Brown

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Description Woman in Hot Water

Unemployed and homeless, Kendra gets a job at the local Aquatic Center. Her new boss, Osborne, is very yummy, but he’s partnered to Jordan. When she’s offered a threesome with two such delicious men, how can she say no? And with so many opportunities to see their semi-naked bodies, being a good girl is not that easy either. Fun on the waterslide, a hot time in the sauna, slick, gleaming muscles in the gym…

When Jordan deduces that Kendra is sleeping in her car, the men ask her to stay in their guest room. She’s hesitant, but allows them to persuade her. Despite the best sex of her life, Kendra is determined to move into an apartment of her own as soon as possible, so she goes house-hunting. The men don’t like either of the places she chooses. She can’t risk losing her job but values her independence too.

Buy link:

And you can find her on the web at:

Today’s Holiday Guest: Berengaria Brown
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